User Manual CAT 27 scales series
The CAT 27 scales series belong to a group of calculating electronic scales with the strain gauge
force transducer and digital readout of results. The family consists of four types of scales:
NEPTUN 2, SATURN 2, VEGA 2 and PLUTON 2. Various types are available in versions with
different measurement specifications: as the single interval, double interval or double range scale
with monochrome LCD or TFT color displays.
The CAT 27 scales are dedicated to work with the POS system consisting of a cash register or
computer and one or more scales connected in the scales system. Significant software flexibility
and a wide range of solutions make them applicable in small, medium and large retail outlets. The
main application of the various types of scales is as follows:
NEPTUN 2: the scale is designed for installation in the advanced barcode scanners. It is
offered in the form of ready to built weighing module with a remote display installed on a
rotating column of adjustable height and swivel head, as well as a part of a set containing
the most popular bi-optical scanners.
SATURN 2: the scale is intended for mounting in the cashier desk or box and any
horizontal barcode scanner can be installed inside it. The scale is equipped with a remote
display installed on a rotating column with adjustable height and swivel head.
VEGA 2: design of the measuring platform makes the scale applicable as a stand-alone or
mounted in the cashier desk or box. The scale is equipped with a remote display installed on
a rotating column of adjustable height and swivel head.
PLUTON 2: the stand-alone scale with built-in display and the ability to connect an
additional remote display on a rotating column with adjustable height and swivel head. It is
implemented mainly as a weight checker but using the remote display it allows to use this
scale for sales.
Scales’ features:
weighing articles
weighing and subtracting the tare
automatic switching off the tare after articles are weighted and the tare is taken out
automatic zero tracking (maintaining zero while unloaded)
inputting the unit price through the communication interface and calculation of the amount
to pay of weighted articles
inputting the name of weighted articles through the communication interface
3-button keyboard
graphical monochrome or color display showing the weight, unit price, the total amount, the
article name, messages for the user as well as ZERO, STABILITY, NET and FIXED TARA
ability to connect two displays: the main and the additional one
available single interval (d=e=5g), double interval (d
=2g, d
=5g) or double range
(range I: d
=2g, range II: d
=5g) models of scales
communication with external devices (cash register, computer) through the RS232 interface
transfer of the weighing results initiated manually, automatically or by the interface
ability to work in the
energy saving mode.