SBC session border controllers
ICMP message type
— ICMP message type that the rule will be used for. This field is active, when ICMP is
selected in the
— action executed by this rule:
— packets falling under this rule will be accepted by the firewall;
— packets falling under this rule will be rejected by the firewall without informing the party that
has sent these packets;
— packets falling under this rule will be rejected by the firewall; the party that has sent the
packet will receive either TCP RST packet or «ICMP destination unreachable»;
— country to which the address belongs. The field is displayed only for the «GeoIP» rule type;
— text string that should be in the packet. The string will be searched by the contents of the packet,
case-sensitive. The field is displayed only for the «String» rule type;
The created rule will be placed in the corresponding section:
«Rules for ingress traffic»,
«Rules for egress traffic»
«Rules for transit traffic»
Also, in the
firewall profile
, you may specify network interfaces that these profile rules
will be applied to.
Each network interface may be used only in a single firewall profile at a time. If you attempt to
assign a network interface to a new profile, it will be removed from the previous one.
To apply the rules, click
button that will appear when the changes are made into the firewall settings.
White addresses list
In this section, you may configure the list of allowed IP addresses that the administrator may use for
connection to the device via web configurator and Telnet/SSH protocol. By default, all addresses are allowed. Up to
255 addresses can be specified.
Security –> White addresses list
Access only from allowed IP-addresses
— when checked, only ad-
dresses from the whitelist are allowed to access the device.
To add an address to the
«Allowed addresses list»
table, click
and in the field that appears, specify the required value. After filling the list,
You can remove addresses from the list by clicking the
icon (
in the selected line
If you enable access only for allowed IP addresses without whitelisting your own IP address, access
to the device will be lost.