GSM resender_______________ GsmAlarm-300
Gs mAla rm-3 00
Ce ntral
Sta tion
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Tr ansm itter
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to GSM
provides for reliable double-sided security system communication with the central
station through GSM network.
In the case of wire telephone line failure, GsmAlarm-300 automatically switches the security system
telephone output to the integrated GSM module and the data is relayed to the security panel through
GSM network.
GsmAlarm-300 may be used with any types of security systems, maintaining audible data transfering
protocols: FSK (10 to 300 bauds), DTMF etc.
GsmAlarm-300 is operable in any GSM network of 900/1800 MHz.
GsmAlarm-300 may have up to 4 users. Users may call the GsmAlarm-300 number and control the
system from their phones using DTMF instructions as follows:
connect to the GSM service provider's operator and learn balance of the SIM card account;
ask for SMS, carrying programmed numbers of the users, SMS center and GSM operator's
ask for SMS, carrying information about GsmAlarm-300 communication quality and power
source voltage.
Caling user is identified by his phone number. If the call comes not from the user's phone, the call is
immediately cancelled. In order to check system operation, user shall briefly call GsmAlarm number.
GsmAlarm-300 within 10-20 seconds answers the caller with a brief ringer tone.
All the GsmAlarm-300 user numbers, SMS center number and brief information number are
programmed by a single SMS with an 8-character password in the beginning of such SMS.
GsmAlarm-300 has a GSM communication failure alarm output as well as a wire line (PSTN) failure
alarm output.
GsmAlarm-300 is very easy to install. State of the device may be quickly evaluated using indication of 4