CasaConnect KNX Control Center
• Version: 13.09.2021 • Technical changes and errors excepted.
Supply air temperature
Number of steps
Actuation position ventilation
Night back cooling (with indoor temperature and actuation position)
Timed ventilation (with actuation position)
Movement limit and position
Outdoor temperature
Outside air VOC
Timed closing
Wind sensor which is evaluated and delay
Wind ventilation with direction and position
Wind alarm
Rain alarm
Gap ventilation (with position)
Frost alarm
Automatic reset
Manual switching
It two contradictory automatic functions overlap, the automatic function further down
the list has priority.
Rain alarm for automatically controlled windows:
If rain is entering, it may be some time before rain is detected by the sensors in the sys-
tem, depending on the amount of rain and outside temperature. In addition, a closing
time for electric windows or sliding roofs has to be included in the calculation. Mois-
ture-sensitive objects should therefore not be placed in areas where thy could be dam-
aged by entering precipitation. Please also bear in mind that in the event of a power
failure and rainfall, a window will not be automatically closed if no emergency gener-
ator is installed.
Alarm functions
The alarm functions are applied to windows in manual mode and automatic mode.
All windows are closed if there is a
frost, wind or rain alarm
and cannot be extended
manually. Gap ventilation during a rain alarm is an exception; in automatic mode it
only restricts the window's range of motion.
Ventilation settings
The settings are only executed if a window is in automatic mode and none of the alarm
functions named above is active.
Timed closing
has the highest priority, followed by the
VOC value of the outside
(keep closed and open), the
outdoor temperature lock
(keep closed),
supply air temperature lock
(keep closed) and
night back