WCC Lite user manual
1 Overview
This document is intended to act as a user manual and explain WCC Lite usage in detail.
It is expected the person referring to this manual is experienced in programmable logic controllers
(PLC), networking (IPv4, ethernet) and the use of the operating system of choice (Windows, Linux,
Mac, etc.).
This document might not cover all of the use cases. For usage not described in this document
please contact
technical support (contact info available on the last page of this document).
Hardware and software requirements
In order to get the WCC Liteup and running, a PC/Mac is required, capable of running a web browser
and an MS Excel compatible spreadsheet editor (e.g. LibreOffice or an online spreadsheet editor
such as Google Sheets). A builtin or external Ethernet adapter is also required to connect to the
WCC Lite.
1.4.0 | ELSETA | Hardware and software requirements