645M-4 User Manual
645M-4 User Manual_V1.1.docx
Page 58 of 63
Domain required
: Don’t forward DNS-requests
without DNS-Name.
: This is the only DHCP on the local
Local server
: Local domain specifications. Names
matching this domain are never forwarded and are
resolved from DHCP or hosts files only.
Local domain
: Local domain suffix appended to DHCP
names and hosts file entries.
Log queries
: Write received DNS requests to syslog.
: List of DNS servers to forward
requests to.
Rebind protection
: Discard upstream RFC1918
Allow localhost
: Allow upstream responses in the range, e.g. for RBL services.
Domain whitelist
: List of domains to allow RFC1918
responses for.
Suppress logging
: Suppress logging of the routine
operation of these protocols.
Allocate IP sequentially
: Allocate IP addresses
sequentially, starting from the lowest available
Filter private
: Do not forward reverse lookups for local
Filter useless
: Do not forward requests that cannot be
answered by public name servers.
Localise queries
: Localise hostname depending on the
requesting subnet if multiple IPs are available.
Expand hosts
: Add local domain suffix to names
served from hosts files.
No negative cache
: Do not cache negative replies, e.g.
for non existing domains.
Strict order
: DNS servers will be queried in the order
of the resolv file.
Bogus NX Domain Override
: List of hosts that supply bogus NX domain results.
DNS server port
: Listening port for inbound DNS queries.
DNS query port
: Fixed source port for outbound DNS queries.
Max DHCP leases
: Maximum allowed number of active DHCP leases.
Max edns0 packet size
: Maximum allowed size of EDNS.0 UDP packets.
Max concurrent queries
: Maximum allowed number of concurrent DNS queries.