6.1.3 Address Field
Each Powermeter is designated in a network system by a user
assigned address. The Address can be any number between 1 and
247. The Powermeter will only respond to its own specifically
assigned address.
6.1.4 Function Field
The function field contains the code that tells the Powermeter what
action to perform.
ElNet Pico
Energy Powermeter
uses and
responds to four
standard Message Format Functions.
Function 03
Function 04
Function 06
Function 16
Meaning in MODBUS
Function 03
Read holding register
Obtain data from Powermeter
(Read register)
Function 04
Read input register
Obtain data from Powermeter
(Read register)
Function 06
Preset single register
Transmit data to Powermeter
(Write single register)
Function 16
Preset multiple register
Transmit data to Powermeter
(Write multiple register)
Table 6.3
Function Codes