ThinkTank Tank Module PRO
Instructions for Assembly and Handling
Please read this document carefully!
Product contents
ThinkTank Tank Module PRO PCB
ready to use power supply cable set
motor connectors
proportional receiver cable set
two cables for additional light
Overview of connectors
1 Power supply
2 Fuse for turret elements
3 Connector for left chain motor
4 Connector for right chain motor
5 Setup mode push button
6 DIP-switches for selecting the tank profile
7 Connector for HengLong muzzle flash, AsiaTam
recoil unit and PC Configurator
8 Connector for HengLong muzzle flash
9 Connector for turret elements
10 Connector for Tamiya recoil unit
11 Connector for proportional receiver
12 Servo motors connectors.
13 Main gun muzzle flash LED (also muzzle flash for 1
barrel for AA tanks)
14 Brake light LED
15 Auxiliary light
16 Muzzle flash LED for 2
MG (also muzzle flash for 2
barrel for twin barreled AA tanks)
17 EMNet interface for expansion boards
L Status LED
HINT: the function of all connectors is printed on the back side of the PCB!
Power supply
Solder the loose ends of the power supply cable to a battery connector that fits to your battery
type. Use the included shrinking tube to insulate the soldered wires.
Warning! The use of the switch and fuse is mandatory! Fire hazard when disregarded!
Chain motors
Use the included plugs to connect the motors to the board. Keep the wires as short as possible.
To check the correct wiring of the motors perform the following procedure:
Jack the tank up, so that the chains can move freely.
Attach a full charged battery to the power supply connector and switch the electronics on.
Wait 3-4 seconds. Press and hold the pushbutton.
The chains start to move and change their rotation direction every 3 seconds. Release the
button if both chains move forwards and the right chain runs faster than the left one. If this
constellation doesn't occur after 20 seconds, check and correct the wiring of the motors.
Go ahead with the installation when the motors run in described manner.
Turret elements
Connect the white 8-pin turret plug to the corresponding connector.
If using the genuine HengLong LED muzzle flash, attach it's cables (a
5-wire and a 2-wire cable) to the board.
If using the genuine AsiaTam turret mechanics and high voltage
muzzle flash, proceed as described in the manual of the units.
If using the genuine Tamiya(R) recoil unit, attach it to the correspon-
ding connector on the board. The white cable faces the edge of the
Servo motors are connected as shown on the picture.
Additional light sources may be connected to the plugs 13 to 16.
They provide about 50mA each and are designed to drive one to four
Choosing the tank profile
The driving and function setup is determined by the position of the DIP switches. The Tank
Module ECO offers seven fixed and one user defined profile
German, WW2, plastic gearboxes
US, WW2, metal gearboxes
German, WW2, metal gearboxes T-34
German, WW2, 3:1 reducted gearbox
easy-to-drive tank
user defined
US, WW2, plastic gearboxes
setup used by the ThinkTank Configurator
and PC Configurator
Status LED
The onboard LED shows the current status of the module
Tank Module is in operational state
Short going out
Stick movement detected
Fast blinking
No valid signal from receiver*
Slow blinking
Faulty communication with another module
*no connection to the sender or the transmission path between sender and receiver is disturbed.
Please check the wiring and the proper function of the RC radio and receiver. If necessary check