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02-33/2019 Rev.: 2
ELKO EP, s.r.o.
Palackého 493
769 01 Holešov, Všetuly
Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 573 514 211
e-mail: [email protected]
Flood detector
Made in Czech Republic
• The fl ood detector is used to detect water leakage - the activation occurs the mo-
ment the fl ooding of the contacts located on the underside of the detector occurs.
• Provides a quick solution to learn about unwanted fl ooding in your bathroom or
kitchen that you can react too immediately.
• With a wireless NB-IoT communication network the device can be immediately put
in the desired location and run immediately.
• Flood detection is signalled by vibration, optical and acoustic signalling. In the case
of water detection, data is sent to the server, ...
• Data is sent to the server from which it can be subsequently displayed as a smart-
phone, application, or Cloud notifi cation.
• Anti-sabotage: If access to the device is unauthorized, a message is immediately
sent to the server.
• Power supply: 1x CR123A battery.
Cloud app assignment
It is done in your Smartphone application. Enter the relevant information on the product
cover into the application.
General instrucions
Underside view
The front of the
1. Vibrating motor
2. Battery
3. NanoSIM slot
4. DIP switch
5. Hooter
6. Antenna
7. Probes pads
The detector is designed to detect the presence of water in flooded areas such as cel-
lars, bathrooms, warehouses, etc. It is suitable for dealing with potentially recurring
situations such as bath overflow, washing machine, dishwasher, boiler, blockages or foul
waste, and floods due to groundwater, river or other emergencies.
Detector states
Alarm - when the scanning contact is connected, the detector sends the data message
and starts the set alarm. The signalling type can be set by the DIP switch. Signalling
stops after 3 minutes even if the reason for the alarm has not been removed. In case of
positive detection, the audible alarm is restored after 5 minutes.
Terminate the alarm after a few seconds after the flood has dropped (disconnect the
connection contacts).
The data status report is sent at twelve-hour intervals (can be edited by a message
from the server). In case of detection 2 seconds after connection of sensing contacts.
• Remove the protective tape from the sensor contacts.
• To activate the detector, place a conductive object (such as the included paper clips) on
the sensing contacts. Hold for 20 seconds. The detector triggers a light and beep and
sends an initial message.
• CAUTION: The fl ood detector detects only the presence of liquid that has reached the
sensor. Liquid may be present in other areas.
• Always be aware of potential dangers, develop safety awareness, and take precautions
to avoid dangers whenever and wherever needed. The detector can reduce the likeli-
hood of catastrophe but cannot guarantee 100% safety.
Important Notice
Internet of Things (IoT)
• The IOT wireless communications category describes the Low Power Wide Area
(LPWA). This technology is designed to provide full-range coverage both inside and
outside buildings, energy-saving and low-cost operation of individual devices. The
NarrowBand network is available to use this standard.
Information about the NarrowBand network
• The network provides two-way communication and the only one to use the licensed
LTE band. Our devices allow band 1 (2100MHz), Band 3 (1800MHz), Band 8 (900MHz),
Band 5 (850MHz), Band 20 (800MHz) and Band 28 (700MHz).
• It uses this SIM card technology for each device.
• The advantage of NarrowBand is the use of already built-up grids, which ensures suf-
fi cient reception outside and inside buildings.
• For more information on this technology, please visit www.vodafone.cz
Caution for proper operation:
• Products are installed according to the wiring diagram given for each product.
• For proper device functionality, it is necessary to have suffi
cient coverage of the se-
lected network at the installation site.
• At the same time, the device must be registered in the network. Successful device reg-
istration on a given network requires a charge for traffi
• Each network off ers diff erent tariff options - it always depends on the number of mes-
sages you want to send from your device. Information on these tariff s can be found in
the current version of the ELKO EP pricelist.