Drive A/Drive B (1.44M, 3.5 in./None)
These items define the characteristics of any diskette drive attached to the
system. You can connect one or two diskette drives.
Video (EGA/VGA)
This item defines the video mode of the system. This mainboard has a built-in
VGA graphics system; you must leave this item at the default value.
Halt On (All, But keyboard)
This item defines the operation of the system POST (Power On Self Test) rou-
tine. You can use this item to select which types of errors in the POST are
sufficient to halt the system.
Base Memory, Extended Memory, and Total Memory
These items are automatically detected by the system at start up time. These
are display-only fields. You cannot make changes to these fields.
Advanced BIOS Setup
This screen contains industry-standard options additional to the core PC AT
Phoenix – AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility
Advanced BIOS Setup
Item Help
CPU Internal Cache
CPU L2 Cache ECC Checking
Quick Power On Self Test
First Boot Device
Second Boot Device
Third Boot Device
Boot Other Device
Swap Floppy Drive
Boot Up Floppy Seek
Boot Up NumLock Status
Gate A20 Option
ATA 66/100 IDE Cable Msg
Typematic Rate Setting
x Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec)
x Typematic Delay (Msec)
Menu Level
Allows you to choose
the VIRUS warning
feature for IDE Hard
Disk boot sector
protection. If this
function is enabled
and someone attempts
to write data into this
area, BIOS will show a
warning message on
screen and alarm beep
: Move
Enter : Select
F10: Save ESC: Exit F1:General Help
Defaults F7:Optimized
CPU Internal Cache (Enabled)
All processors that can be installed in this mainboard use internal level 1 (L1)
cache memory to improve performance. Leave this item at the default value
for better performance.
External Cache (Enabled)
Most processors that can be installed in this system use external level 2 (L2)
cache memory to improve performance. Leave this item at the default value