Design, Assembly and Service Manual
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Electromagnetic flowmeter FLONET FN50xx.1
ELIS PLZEN a. s., Lucni 425/15, 301 00 Plzen, Czech Republic, Phone: +420/377 517 711, fax: +420/377 517 722
Sensor placement near free discharge point
Make sure that the adjoining piping is clamped/supported as close to the sensor as possible, to prevent
vibrations and damage to the sensor.
Undesirable sensor vibrations
Sensor bypass
In applications where continuous liquid flow is essential, a bypass shall be provided to allow for sensor
servicing. A sensor bypass may also be a reasonable solution in the cases where, to dismantle the flow
sensor from the piping, liquid from a very long piping section would have to be discharged.
5.2. Sensor earthing
The correct meter function requires that the sensor and adjoining piping sections be connected by low-
impedance earthing conductors to the earth potential and the protection conductor of the power source.
Measured liquid is earthed using a earthing electrode embedded in the sensor. If the sensor is not equipped
with a earthing electrode is in terms of measurement the required electrical wiring between the screw on the
chimney and flanges or earthing rings as shown in the pictures bellow.
This connection is recommended even if the sensor with earthing electrode (indeed fulfills the contact hazard
protection and stray currents).