• Automatic overload system (ABM):
To avoid the shredder unit becoming blocked and ensure that the machine can work
autonomously, you have chosen an ABM system (anti-block motor). When revolutions reduce as a
result of loading, and this falls below 2750 t/min, the feed roller will automatically stop supplying.
When the revolutions return to above 2750 t/min, the feed roller will restart.
To stop the feed roller:
A. push one of both buttons (1 or 2) or
B. push the safety-stop-bracket.
With speed governing:
If you selected this option (rotary
knob underneath the loading hopper), you can control the
speed of the feed roller according to the material to be fed
in. By adjusting the knob (in the range of 1 to 10), you can
obtain maximum efficiency.
• The rotation direction of the feed roller can be changed by pressing the ‘out’ button. (2), This is
useful if a piece of wood becomes wedged underneath the feed roller.
Pressing the OUT button will bring the feed roller to a standstill. If it pressed a
second time, the roller will turn in the opposite direction and the green waste will
be ejected.
• With moist materials, it is best to use a sieve for damp products.
(order number: MA 029 001 011) This sieve can also be combined with other sieves. Read all
about the various sieves and various combination options on “13.1 Sieve screening” on page
In order to avoid personal serious injury or damage to properties,
never operate the machine without a sieve screen fitted.