Installation and First Start-Up
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Installation Procedure
Attach the top end of the tape in the shaft head. Ideally use an ELGO Mounting Kit. Check for correct
orientation of the tape. The arrows on the magnetic side must point in upward direction.
Figure 10: Correct orientation of the magnetic tape
The magnetic side of the tape must face the sensor body. In most situations this means that the steel side
points to the shaft wall.
Drive down the shaft with inspection speed and unroll the tape. The ELGO tape packaging system has
been specifically designed for this purpose. The tape can be unwound directly from the box without open-
Attach the tension weight (about 7.5 kg) at the bottom end of the tape in the shaft. Secure the tape with a
sway guard. Pay attention to a proper vertical mounting of the tape.
If you use dowels to fix the tape in the shaft, tighten the spring such, that the according tractions results to
minimum 7.5 kg. When using the ELGO Mounting Kit RMS/RMS90 this is equivalent to a spring elonga-
tion of about 90 mm.
Note that slightly higher tensile forces are never a problem, but avoid under-tensioning. In higher build-
ings it may even be preferable to slightly increase the tension in order to prevent flapping of the tape dur-
ing operation. However, if correctly installed tensile forces of more than 10 kg should never be necessary.
Drive the car to the middle of the shaft.
Attach the sensor to the car. The side with the cable outlet and the LED’s must face upward.
Adjust the sensor using the tape as a reference. First, align sensor and magnet band on their centerline.
Figure 11: Distance and orientation of the magnetic tape in relation to the sensor
Shaft head
Shaft pit
Magnetic Tape
Mounting Angle