© ElektroPhysik
QuintSonic 7
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billionth of a second). As a consequence, the sound echoes may overlap in the receive signal.
Before the signal evaluation can take place, it is necessary to separate the individual echoes with
respect to their travel times. This is done in a complex mathematical process. Thanks to the high
computing power of the sensor, the complete measuring result is made available not later than
after one second approximately.
Some measuring samples such as GRP or CRP materials exhibit material discontinuities
(inhomogeneities) or inclusions in the base that may cause false echoes. QuintSonic 7 offers a
wide range of methods for the suppression of unwanted echoes so that only the “true” echoes, i.e.
the sound waves reflected from the layer interfaces, will be used for evaluation.
1.4 The QuintSonic 7 Measuring System
The portable system consists of two elements:
The intelligent ultrasonic SIDSP®-technology based sensor (see section 3.2.1)
The operating and display unit
Both elements are cable connected.
Designed for user-friendly operation, QuintSonic 7 features an intuitive menu control with context-
sensitive online help. Large backlit control keys allow extra comfort. Excellent viewing conditions
provided by the large backlit graphics display allow convenient usage at night and in conditions of
poor visibility.
Special feature of QuintSonic 7: A-scan images (see section 7) are shown directly on the gauge
display for immediate quality assessment of the readings obtained without the need to connect a
computer. On the other hand, additional PC software is available (see below) to provide large-
sized coloured A-scan images on your computer. This makes QuintSonic 7 the ideal tool for both,
portable use on site or use in the laboratory.
The advanced PC-like data management offers quick creation of folders and easy set-up of
customized batches. QuintSonic 7 simplifies the calibration and parameter set-up allowing to solve
also difficult settings of task in a minimum of time without the need for special skills.
The „QSoft7 Basic“ PC software (supplied with the gauge) enables easy parameter setting via the
usual input devices (keyboard, mouse) of your computer. In addition, large, colour A-scan images
can be displayed on your computer screen.
As an option, the PC software “QSoft 7 Professional” is available, for convenient set up and
evaluation of measuring groups and export in various data formats. The software exports data as
text documents, Excel® spread sheets or in the PDF file format and allows entries of notes and
annotations. Also pictures of your measuring samples may be added to the data reports.
Featuring numerous interfaces, QuintSonic 7 connects to peripheral devices such as the portable
printer MiniPrint 7000 (available as an option). The standard supply schedule of the QuintSonic 7
includes an infrared interface (IrDA
1.0) as well as a USB adapter cable. Via this cable, a USB