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Summary of Contents for SuperCyclone

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Page 2: for your vacuum cleaner English 4 18 ᛳ䃱ᙼ䙌 OHFWUROX 6XSHU FORQH DŽ 䗭ѯ Nj 䁾ᯢnj 㪟᠔ ⱘ 6XSHU FORQH ൟ㰳DŽ 䗭㸼 ᙼ᠔䙌 ⱘ ᅮൟ㰳ⱘᶤѯ䜡ӊ ࡳ㛑ৃ㛑ϡ ࣙ ܻDŽ њ ֱ ՇⱘՓ ᬜᵰˈ 䂟ϔᕟՓ ॳ ᒴⱘ OHFWUROX 䜡ӊDŽ 䗭ѯ䜡ӊᰃᇜ䭔䞱ᇡᙼⱘ ᠔䀁㿜ⱘDŽ 㐕储Ё 䴲ᐌᛳ䇶ᙼ䗝ᢽ OHFWUROX 6XSHU FORQH ⳳぎ ᇬ DŽ 䖭ѯ 䇈ᯢ䗖 Ѣ 6XSHU FORQH ⱘ᠔ ൟোDŽ гህᰃ䇈ˈ 䇈ᯢЁ ৃ㛑 ࣙ ԧൟোⱘᶤѯ䜡ӊ ࡳ㛑DŽ Ў ֱ㦋ᕫ ՇՓ ᬜᵰˈ 䇋ࡵᖙՓ OHFWUROX ॳ㺙䜡ӊDŽ ᅗ ӀᰃϧЎᙼⱘⳳぎ ᇬ ᖗ䆒䅵ⱘ䜡 ѻકDŽ Ё l G 㢰 䏬 G 䒰㐬㢨䆨 G㫸ḩG㷡 ὤ GẠ㢹䚨G㨰 Gᵄ 䚝 UG㢨G 㟝G 㜄 G 䒰㐬㢨䆨 G G 㤸㷨㜄G㤵㟝 G 䚡...

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Page 4: ...y nozzle 17 Accessory holder 18 Combination floor nozzle 19 Dust Magnet nozzle 20a b Turbo nozzle 21 Parketto nozzle Certain models only Table of contents Safety advice 6 Before starting 8 Getting the best results 10 Emptying and cleaning the dust container 12 Maintaining the filters 14 Cleaning the hose and nozzle 16 Troubleshooting 18 Consumer information and sustainability policy 20 㐕储Ё њ㾷ᙼⱘ 6X...

Page 5: ... 䌍㗙ֵᙃ ֱᬓㄪ 䚐ạ㛨 䒰㐬㢨䆨 G GᴵG 㢌G㢨 XUG 䢕㢹 G㦤㤼G㣙㾌 YUG 䉤G䙸䉤 ZUG 㫴䋩G䙸䉤 UG 䂌G䙸䉤 G ⵤὤG䙸䉤G䀘ⶸ G ⵤὤG䙸䉤 UG 㤸 G䀘ⶸ _UG 㫄G ḴG UG 㫄G ḴG䆨 XWUG 㤸㠄G䂈 XXUG 䂈 GᵄᵐGⶸ䏰 XYUG Ὤ㢨G㦤㤼G䏐 XZUG 䝬 G䚬 X UG 䝬 X UG 䏼ㇼG 㫄 X UG 䑀GⵃG㾜Ạ㟝G 㫄 X UG 䖼G䝴 X_UG 䚝㐑G 㟝G 㫄Q X UG 䏬G Ἤ G 㫄Q YW V UG䉤 G 㫄Q YXUG 䑀䀴䋔G 㫄Q QG㢰 G G䚨 㵜 㙼㤸G 㟝㜄GḴ䚐G㙼 G 㟝G㤸G㥄ᶴG 䚡G Ề㣙G 㟝GⵝⷉG XX 㫴䋩G 㟤ὤGⵃG㷡 G XZ 䙸䉤GḴ G X 䝬 GⵃG 㫄G㷡 G X ⱬ㥐G䚨 G X 㣄G㥉 GⵃG㫴 ᴴ G㥉㵹G YW ...

Page 6: gases etc t On sharp objects t On hot or cold cinders lit cigarette butts etc t On fine dust for instance plaster concrete flour Power cord precautions t Regularly check that the plug and cord are not damaged Never use the vacuum cleaner if the cord is damaged t If the cord is damaged it must be replaced only by an authorized Electrolux service centre in order to avoid a hazard Damage to the ...

Page 7: ...G G㥉㐔G㣙㚔ᴴG 㢼ᶤ GᵄᴵGὤ 㜄Gⱬ㥐ᴴG㢼 Gᷱ㟤G G 㟝Gᷱ䜌㢨G 㤸䜴G㛺 Gᷱ㟤㜄 G㥐䖼G 㟝㜄G㡔㢌䚌㐐ὤGⵈ U 㛨 㢨ᴴG㥐䖼㡸Gᴴ㫴ḔG 㫴G㙾 G㨰㢌䚌㐡㐐㝘U 㥐䖼㡸G㷡 䚌ᶤ G㡔㫴 䚌ὤG㤸㜄G䚡ㇵG䂌 䏬㜄 G 䙀 Ἤ G 䚌㐡㐐㝘U 䙸䉤G㛺㢨G㫸ḩG㷡 ὤ G 㟝䚌㫴G 㐡㐐㝘U 㨰㢌 㢨G㥐䖼㜄 G㤸ὤG㜤 㢨G䔠䚜 㛨G㢼 U ˍG 㫸ḩG㷡 ὤ G㚕㷨 G䢕㢹䚌㫴G 㐡㐐㝘U ˍG 㥐䖼G 㷍G㐐GⱰ㜄G Ἤ㫴G 㐡㐐㝘U ˍG 㥉ὤ㤵㡰 G䝬 G㥄ᶴ䚌ḔG䝬 ᴴG ㇵ Gᷱ㟤G G G 㟝㡸G㩅 䚨㚰G䚝 U 㠸㝴Gᵍ㡴G䚽 㡴G 䉤㜄G㐠ᴵ䚐G ㇵ㡸G㢰㡰䇠G G㢼㡰 G㢨Gᷱ㟤G 㫑㢨G㤵㟝 㫴G㙾 U 㢀ḰGᵍ㡴Gᷱ㟤G㫸ḩG㷡 ὤ G 㟝䚌㫴G 㐡㐐㝘U ˍG ᴴ G 㢌Gᴴ㜤 GⱰ㫼㢨Gᴴᾀ㢨G㢼 Gᷱ㟤 ˍG 㾨 㟨GⱰ㷨 ˍ...

Page 8: to the mains 28 To rewind the cord press the cordwinder pedal 29 Start the vacuum cleaner by rotating the power control in the direction of the Max position Increase suction power by rotating the control further up to Max position Stop the vacuum cleaner by rotating in the opposite direction to Off position In order to achieve an optimal cyclone effect in the cleaner the power regulation should...

Page 9: ...GḴ GG G 㵬㦤PU YZG 㷡 ὤ㢌G G䀘ⶸ G㜨ḔGⵤὤG䙸䉤ᴴG㥐㣄 㜄GG G 㢼 㫴G䞉㢬䚝 U Y G 䝬 G 㷨G䢕㢹Ạ㜄Gㇱ㢹䚌ḔG ᾁG ᴴG GG G ᾀ㫴Gⴴ㛨GḔ 㜄G㜤 G䚝 O䝬 GG G 䚌 Gⶸ䏰㡸G G ὴPU Y G 䝬 G䝬 G䚬 㜄Gㇱ㢹䚌ḔG ᾁG ᴴG GG G ᾀ㫴Gⴴ㛨GḔ 㜄G㜤 G䚝 O䝬 GG G 䚌 Gⶸ䏰㡸G G ὴPU Y G Ὤ㢨G㦤㤼G䏐 Q G䝬 G䚬 ḰG 㫄㜄Gㇱ㢹䚌ḔGG G ᾁG ᴴG G ᾀ㫴Gⴴ㛨G㜤 G䚝 G G O 䚌 Gⶸ䏰㡸G G ὴPU Y G 㤸㠄G䂈 G G䂌 䏬㜄G䙀 Ἤ G㜤 䚝 U Y_G 㷡 G䟸G䂈 G 㐐Gᵄ㡰 G䂈 GᵄᵐGⶸ䏰㡸GG G ⵓ㡰㐡㐐㝘UG㢨G G㤸 㡸G 㬑G㣕㙸G䂈 ᴴG㤵㤼䚐GG G Gᵄὤ G䚝 UG Y G 䢕㢹 G㦤㤼G 㢨㛰㡸Gˈt O㺐 PˉGⵝ䛙㡰...

Page 10: ...s Use the up holstery nozzle 35 for sofas curtains lightweight fabrics etc Reduce suction power if necessary Crevices corners etc Use the crevice nozzle 36 Using the turbo nozzle 37a b Ideal for carpets and wall to wall carpeting to remove stubborn fluff and pet hairs Note Do not use the turbo nozzle on animal skin rugs or carpet fringes To avoid damaging the carpet do not keep the nozzle stationa...

Page 11: ...㢰ⵌGⵈ a 㾨䓟G㢌Gᷱ㟤G ⶸ GOZY PG㠸㾌㜄G ḔG 䚝㐑Gⵈ 㟝G 㫄Q㡸G 㟝䚌㐡㐐㝘U G G㢰ⵌGⵈ 㢌Gᷱ㟤G ⶸ GOZY PG㠸㾌㜄G ḔG 䚝㐑Gⵈ 㟝G 㫄㡸G 㟝䚌㐡㐐㝘UG 㫄㢌G 㐐 Gⵈ 㢨Gἵ䢼㫴G㙾 G Gㇵ䈐 G ḔS 㾨䓟㢌G䉬㢨G㬛ḔG䆠ὤᴴG㣅㡸G G䢕㢹 㡸G㨸㢨㐡 㐐㝘U G G 䏬 Ἤ QG 㫄㡸G 㟝䚔G G㢰ⵌ㤵㡰 G OZZ PG 㜄 G G G㤸䞌䚔G䙸㟈ᴴG㛺 UG 㐐 G㝠 Gㇵ䈐 G 㟝䚌 G 㢌G䖐 㜄 G䓬 䚌 ḔG䟜Ḱ㤵㡰 G 㫴 G㥐ᶤ䚔G G㢼 UG㛨 㟨Gⵈ G 㷡 G㐐G㺐㤵㢌G 㫴G㥐ᶤG䟜Ḱ G㠄䚌ᶤ G㾨䓟G㷡 G㐐G 䚝Gὤ 㢨G䙸㟈䚐Gᷱ㟤㜄 G 㐐 G Gㇵ䈐OZZ P G 㟝䚝 U Gⵈ aG 㟝G 㫄QOZ P㡸G 㟝䚌㐡㐐㝘U 㷐GᴴẠGⵃG 㡔aG 䑀SG䀘䏰SGᴴⷰ㟨G 㡔G 㜄 G ...

Page 12: ...ove the filter from the cyclone unit by twisting it and then pulling it outwards 43 Rinse the cone filter under water and then dry it thoroughly Reinsert it into the cyclone unit 44 Note open the left side of the dust container only when dust or fibres become stuck Maintaining the filters Motor filter Ref No EF95 The motor filter needs to be replaced when it is visually dirty Never use the vacuum ...

Page 13: ...পߎ䲚ᇬⲦˈ ৢ ᇚ偀䖒Ⓒ㔥ᢝߎᴹDŽ 䚐ạ㛨 㫴䋩G 㟤ὤGⵃG㷡 ᷱḔHG 㫴䋩㢨Gth O㺐 PG䖐㐐ᾀ㫴Gᴴ G㵜ὤG㤸㜄G 㫴䋩㡸G 㠀㚰G䚝 U 㫴䋩㢨G 㾌 G 㛨 G㙼G U 㫴䋩G 㟤ὤ Z_G 㤸 G䀘ⶸ G㜨ḔG 㫴䋩㡸G U Z G 㜨 G 㻈 G㝘 㯱㡰 Gⴴ㛨G 㫴䋩G䀘ⶸ GG G 㜱 U WG 㫴䋩㡸G㘤 ὤ䋩㜄G 㟵 UG G ᾁG ᴴG G ᾀ㫴G ᵐ G U XG 㫴䋩㡸G㷡 ὤ㢌G㥐㣄 㜄G 㐐G ḔG㤸 G䀘ⶸ GG G U 䂌G 㛅㢌G㐬㢨䆨 G䙸䉤G㷡 YG 䂌䙸䉤ᴴG 㠀㫸Gᷱ㟤G 䏴 G㣕㙸 G䙸䉤GG G Ḕ㥉G㣙㾌㜄 G䙸䉤 G㥐ᶤ䚝 O ZPU G 䂌䙸䉤 G䢄 GⱰ㜄G 㷍䚐G 㢀G㝸㤸䢼GGG G ᶨ㦤䚝 U G 䂌䙸䉤 G 㫴䋩㜄G 㐐G㣙㵝䚝 U G 㵬ḔaG 㫴 G 㡔G㦤㫵㢨Gᶬ G㢼 Gᷱ㟤㜄 GG G 㫴䋩㢌G㞰㯱㡸G㜠...

Page 14: ...r 50 Close the lid inserting the front hooks into the rails Push the lid forward and press down in the centre until both sides click in Cleaning the HEPA H12 Washable Filter If you have a HEPA H12 Washable exhaust filter wash the filter once a year If the filter is dam aged replace it with a new filter 47 To clean the HEPA H12 Washable filter rinse the inside dirty side in lukewarm tap water Tap t...

Page 15: ...G㷡 䚝 U G 㣅㡴G䈡㡸G㣕㙸 G 㫴䋩㜄 G䙸䉤 G㥐ᶤ䚝 UG G 㝜 G䙸䉤 G 㷍䚐G 㢀G㝸㤸䢼Gᶨ㦤䚝 G G O TXY㐐ᴸPU _G 㷍䚐G䙸䉤 G 㐐G 㟤ḔG 㫴䋩㡸G㥐㣄 G 㡴GG G 䟸G ᵐ G U 䙸㟈䚐Gᷱ㟤G䙸䉤 GẄ㷨䚔G G㢼 U ⵤὤG䙸䉤G㷡 VẄ㷨a X 㜄G䚐Gⶼ㙝GⵤὤG䙸䉤 GẄ㷨䚌ᶤ G 㷍䚝 U G㦹 㢌GⵤὤG䙸䉤ᴴG㢼 U ˍG 㢨䆠 G䙸䉤Oy Gu UGlmX G㢨G㡔䝉㢌G䙸䉤 GG G 㷍䚔G G㛺㡰 GㇼGᶷ㡰 GẄ㷨䚨㚰G䚝 UP ˍG Ɒ 㷍Gᴴ 䚐G䜘䑀GoXYG䙸䉤GOy Gu UGlmoGXY P G ⵤὤG䙸䉤 GẄ㷨䚌 G 㯱Gᴴ㣙㣄 G㠸 G GG G ⵤὤG䙸䉤G ᵐ G㜤G 㢀G䙸䉤 GẄ㷨䚝 UGG WG 㤸 GḔ G 㢰㜄G 㠀G䀘ⶸ G UG䀘ⶸ GG G 㚒㯱㡰 Gⴴ㛨G 㟨G䟸G 㯱Gᴴ㣙...

Page 16: ...e Remove dust balls hair or other objects that may be entangled Larger objects can be accessed by removing the connection tube from the nozzle Cleaning the turbo nozzle 55 Disconnect the nozzle from the vacuum cleaner tube and remove entangled threads etc by snipping them away with scissors Use the hose handle to clean the nozzle 56 In case if the turbo nozzle stops working open the cleaning lid a...

Page 17: ...㬅 UG㢨 䚐Gᷱ㟤G 䙀 Ἤ Gゅ㙸G㤸㠄㡸G 䚌ḔGYWTZW G㥉 G㜨㡸G㐑 䢼㐡㐐㝘UGἬ G 㢀G 䣀G 㠸 G㷡 䚌ᶤ G䙸䉤 GẄ 㷨䚌ḔG 㫴䋩㡸G 㟨G䟸G㫸ḩG㷡 ὤ G 㐐GG G 㣅 䚌㐡㐐㝘UG 䏐 GⵃG䝬 XG 㾨 㫴G㙾㡴GὨG ὤ GἬ㝴G 䚐Gᶷ㡸GG G 㟝䚌㜠G䏐 㝴G䝬 G㷡 䚝 U YG 䝬 G䚬 㡴G䝬 㜄 G 䚌㜠G㷡 䚔G GGG G 㢼 U ZG 䝬 G㛅 㡰 G G㬐 G 㢌G㢨Ɒ㫼㡸GG G 㥐ᶤ䚔G G㢼 UG 㚱G䝬 G㙼㜄Gᶬ G㢼 GG G Ɒ㫼㢨G㡔 G㦤ᴵ㢨ᶤ Gⵈ G G 㾨 ᶤ Gヤ㦥䚐GG G ᷱ㟤G㦤㐠䚨㚰G䚝 U 㵬ḔaG䝬 G㷡 G㐐Gⵐ 䚐G䝬 G ㇵ㜄G 䚨 G 㫑㢨G 㤵㟝 㫴G㙾 U ⵈ 㟝G 㫄G㷡 G 䏬G Ἤ G 㫄㡴G㣄㨰G㷡 䚌㐡㐐㝘UGⱽ㾐GG G 㫴SG 㾨 G Gὤ䇴G㛽䇜GⱰ㫼㡸G㥐...

Page 18: ...tion and sustainability policy Electrolux declines all responsibility for all damages arising from any improper use of the appliance or in cases of tampering with the appliance For more details of warranty and consumers contacts see the Warranty Booklet in the packaging If you have any comments on the cleaner or the Operating Instructions manual please e mail us at floorcare electrolux com Sustain...

Page 19: ...U ˍG 䘜㪼ᴴGⅾ㛨㫴㫴G㙾㚌 㫴G䞉㢬䚝 U 㫸ḩG㷡 ὤ㢌G䢕㢹 㢨G㚱䚐Gᷱ㟤 ˍG 㫴G䋩㜄G 㫴ᴴGᴴ G㵜㫴G㙾㚌 㫴G䞉㢬䚌ḔGG G ᴴ G㵰㡰 G 㫴G䋩㡸G 㟤ḔG 㫴䋩ḰG䙸䉤 GG G 㷡 䚌㜠G㷡 ὤ㜄G 㐐G㣙㵝䚝 G 㫄SG䏐 SG䝬 G G䙸䉤ᴴG 䜴G㢼㫴G㙾㡴㫴GG G 䞉㢬䚝 U 㷡 ὤG㣅 㢨G㩅 Gᷱ㟤G ˍG 㷡 ὤᴴGḰ㜨 㛼㡸G G㢼 UG䂌 䏬㜄 GG G 䙀 Ἤ G 䚌ḔG 㫄SG䏐 G G䝬 ᴴG 䜴GG G 㢼㫴G㙾㡴㫴G䞉㢬䚝 UGZW ᴸG㷡 ὤ㢌G㜨㡸GG G 㐑䣀G䟸G䙀 Ἤ G 㐐G㜤 䚝 UG ˍG Ἤ G㷡 ὤᴴG㣅 䚌㫴G㙾㡰 Gl Gḩ㢬GG G G 䉤㜄Gⱬ㢌䚌㐡㐐㝘UO㢰 䏬 O㨰PGG G Ḕᵑ 䉤GaGX TXYZ_PG 㫸ḩG㷡 ὤ㜄GⱰ㢨G 㛨ᴸGᷱ㟤 l Gḩ㢬G G 䉤㜄G 䉤GẄ㷨 G㟈㷡䚨㚰GG...

Page 20: ...nformation about recycling of this product please contact your local city office your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product 㐕储Ё ક ࣙ㺱Ϟⱘ 䁠ˈ㸼 ᴀ કϡ㛑 خ ᆊᒁᒶ ẘ 㰩 DŽϔᅮ㽕ᣓࠄᇜ䭔ಲᬊ䳏 䳏ᄤ㺱㕂ⱘ䘽 ಲ ᬊ咲DŽ䂟 ֱҹℷ ᮍᓣ㰩㕂ᴀ કˈϺ䙓 ܡ ϡ ⱘ㰩 ᮍᓣᇡ ๗ Ҏ串 ع ᒋৃ㛑ᐊ ⱘ 䉴䴶ᕅ DŽབ䳔 䮰ಲᬊᴀ કⱘ䊛㿞ˈ䂟㙃 ᙼ ഄⱘᏖᬓᑰǃᆊሙ ൗഒᬊ䲚 ࢭ ᰖ䋐䊋ᴀ કⱘଚᑫDŽ Ё ѻક ࣙ㺙Ϟⱘヺো ᣛᯢ䆹ѻકϡ㛑ᔧ ൗ ഒ䖯㸠໘ DŽℷ ⱘ໘ ᮍ ᰃᇚ Ѹ㒭䗖ᔧⱘ ᄤ䆒 ಲᬊキDŽ ֱᇍ䆹ѻક䖯㸠ℷ ⱘᑳᓗ໘ ˈ ࡽ Ѣ䰆ℶ ໘ ϡᔧ㗠ᇍ ๗ Ҏ ع ᒋ䗴...

Page 21: ...Share more of our thinking at www electrolux com 2197427 07 ...
