Electric Druid FilterFX Construction Guide
the back of the pots, to a piece of cardboard stuck between the board and the pots. My current
favourite solution is to cut a piece of stiff overhead transparency plastic and slide it between the
PCB and the pots. This can be done after soldering the pots, but pot dust covers would need fitting
The best way to fit the pots, switches, and LEDs is to have the enclosure ready and drilled. The
components can then be fitted into the PCB (but not soldered) and then the board fitted into the
enclosure. Check the flat side of the LEDs matches the flat side on the silkscreen print. Once the
LEDs are in the board, bend their legs outwards a little to stop them falling out of the PCB while
you fit it. It’s a good idea to tighten the pot and switch nuts down a bit to ensure they are properly
located in the enclosure. Once you’re sure everything’s in place, it’s a simple job to solder the con-
nections, and you’re safe in knowledge that when you next try to fit it everything will be be per-
fectly lined up with your enclosure.
The two switches have a groove in the threads which can be matched with the notch shown on
the silkscreen. In theory the orientation of the switches shouldn’t matter, but I admit I haven’t
dared to try doing it the wrong way around yet since desoldering the switches if it doesn’t work
would be very difficult!
Install ICs
If the voltage check was ok, you can install the three chips; two dual op-amps, and the Electric
Druid STOMPLFO chip.
The PCB is done! Well done!
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