KXAT3 Wide Range Internal Antenna Tuner
Installation Instructions
Revision A, June 11, 2012
Copyright © 2012, Elecraft, Inc., All Rights Reserved
The KXAT3 antenna wide range tuner plugs into existing connectors inside the KX3. The KXAT3 stores the
settings found for the best match at multiple points across each band, allowing for quick frequency and band
changes. The KXAT3 also includes an automatically tuned filter for the AM broadcast band that tracks the
VFO, improving image rejection for signals in the 0.3-1.0 MHz range.
The KXAT3 module and many components inside your KX3 may be damaged by
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) simply by touching them or a circuit board containing
them unless you take specific steps to prevent such damage. See Preventing
Electrostatic Discharge Damage on page 1 before opening the package containing the
KXAT3 module or working inside your KX3.
Installing the KXAT3 Module
Preparing for Installation
Preventing Electrostatic Discharge Damage
ESD damage may occur with static discharges far too little for you to notice. A damaged component may not
fail completely at first. Instead, the damage may result in below-normal performance for an extended period of
time before you experience a total failure.
We strongly recommend you take the following anti-static precautions (listed in order of importance) to ensure
there is no voltage difference between the components and any object that touches them:
Leave the KXAT3 module in its anti-static packaging until you install it.
Wear a conductive wrist strap with a series 1-megohm resistor that will constantly drain off any static
charge that accumulates on your body. If you do not have a wrist strap, touch a ground briefly before
touching any sensitive parts to discharge your body. Do this frequently while you are working. You can
collect a destructive static charge on your body just sitting at the work bench.
DO NOT attach a ground directly to yourself without a current-limiting resistor as this poses a
serious shock hazard. A wrist strap must include a 1-megohm resistor to limit the current flow. If
you choose to touch an unpainted, metal ground to discharge yourself, do it only when you are
not touching live circuits with any part of your body.