Radio Commands
(VFO Copy/Swap/Init; SET only)
SET format:
ABn; where n=0 (FA>FB), 1 (FB>FA), 2 (FA/FB swap), 3 (all A>B), 4 (all
B>A), 5 (all A/B). Cases 0-2 copy or swap only VFO frequency. Cases 3-5 copy or swap
all VFO parameters. Some limitations apply. For example, RX antennas are only copied or
swapped if the VFOs are on different bands.
(Audio Feedback tones)
SET format:
AFn; where n=0 cancels any AF tone sequence, 1 is a simple switch beep
(high pitch), and 2 = hi/lo error tone.
(AF Gain)
SET/RESP format:
AG$nnn; where n is 000-060.
SET/RESP format, AI mode:
AIn; where n is the auto-info mode:
0 = Auto info off
1 = VFO, RIT, and certain other control changes generate periodic "IF;" responses
2 = All control changes generate periodic responses
3 = N/A (reserved for future use)
4 = Immediate notification of changes not made by client (see
5 = Immediate notification of all changes (see
SET/RESP format, AI Delay:
AIDxxx; where xxx is the delay in ms (60 to 999) to be used
in AI1 and AI2 modes. Default is 500 ms.
Excessive traffic can potentially overflow serial port buffers in immediate AI
modes (AI4 and AI5).
AI mode is per-client.
(AF Limiter)
SET/RESP format:
ALnn; where nn is 01-30 (level set). Sets level of AF limiter used
when AGC is off (see GT command). Typical value is 20.
(TX Antenna)