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Quick Start Guide TOOLbox pro and FluxTool v2.0.93
Working with the TOOLbox pro and FluxTool application
Flexibility is one of eldoLED drivers’ key benefits. Use the TOOLbox pro and the FluxTool application to perfectly match your driver to your appli-
cation. This quick start guide shows you how to go about it.
1. What you need
• 32/64-bit Microsoft Windows Vista, 7 or 8; or Mac OS X
10.9 or 10.10
• TOOLbox pro (TLU20504). Cables are included.
• FluxTool v2.0.93 application: download at your driver
product page or the TOOLbox pro product page.
2. Installing the FluxTool application
1. Windows: run the FluxTool setup. After the installation,
make sure to also install the TOOLbox driver.
2. Mac OS: drag the FluxTool icon into your
Applications folder.
Caution: TOOLbox pro has not been designed for
direct connection to a mains outlet.
3. Connecting the TOOLbox pro
In order for the FluxTool application to detect the LED driver, the driver
must be powered on. Never connect more than one driver at a time.
DMX in +
no DALI power
DALI power
DALI activity
LEDcode not connected, no LEDcode/DMX activity
LEDcode connected, no LEDcode/DMX activity
LEDcode or DMX activity
TOOLbox pro connection error to computer
DMX in -
DA +
DA -
LEDcode -
Not used
DMX in shield
4a. Configuration and control via DMX menu
DMX menu
When starting the FluxTool software, a Welcome screen is shown first.
In this screen you can see if the TOOLbox pro is correctly connected
to your LED driver and computer, and your driver is identified.
Parameter configuration
You can finetune your driver with the DMX parameters:
1. Open the Setup tab to download your driver’s current settings to
your FluxTool screen.
2. Make any required changes in the appropriate fields and click the
“Write” button at the bottom to save the changes to the driver.
For a full description of all available DMX parameters, refer to Adden-
dum sheet DMX/LedSync parameters.
The FluxTool application features one Broadcast slider and 512 DMX
address sliders to test the settings on your luminaire.
Only make changes you are sure of. Some parameters can
cause damage to LEDs when set to an incorrect value.