Occasionally, you may need to remove
mineral deposits (known as descaling)
from the steaming system. This is normal
and will depend on the degree of hardness
of the water in your area. If you notice a
slowing in steam production or a
lengthening of steaming times, you should
descale the steaming system.
1 Fill the water basin half full with clear,
white vinegar.
2 Place the drip tray, lower steamer bowl
and lid onto the steamer base.
3 Set the timer for 25 minutes to begin
steaming. Allow the steamer to operate
until the bell rings.
4 Allow the steamer to cool completely.
5 Empty the vinegar from the drip tray.
6 Empty any remaining vinegar in the
water basin.
7 Rinse the water basin several times with
cold water.
8 Allow all parts to dry completely before