Applicatio Manual
Universal Interface 4 DIN/NTC EK- CG2-TP
Revisione 1.0.0 - Aggiornato: 04/09/2017
© SBS S.p.A.
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Pag. 9
pairs, which in the application program are referred to as
. Each channel is made of a pair of inputs, and
is physically associated to a Input.
Since the channels of the device are labelled 1 to 4, the inputs are labelled 1A / 1B for channel 1, 2A / 2B for
channel 2 and so on. The same numbering is used whether the channel pairing is used or not.
In order to specify channel pairings, each Input can be configured in two ways: single mode and coupled mode.
This setting appears among Input-level settings rather than input-level settings, because only inputs belonging to
the same Input can be coupled. The only combinations allowed for coupling are in fact 1A with 1B, 2A with 2B,
and so on.
single or independent mode
, each input operates independently, has its own parameters and
communication objects. This is the mode of operation described so far.
coupled mode
, 2 inputs operate logically grouped under a channel in order to perform a common
functionality; therefore, they operate on shared communication objects.
It is possible to configure some of the inputs in
single or independent
mode and the others in
mode, with
the pairing constraints just described.
It must be mentioned that there is actually a third way to configure an input pair, which lies somehow halfway
between the two modes above (although it is considered as a variation of the single mode): each second input,
i.e. inputs 1B, 2B, 3B etc., can be configured to perform exactly the same function as its first input. In this fashion,
both pushbuttons associated with a Input are effectively operated “in parallel”, so as to operate the whole Input as
a single, larger control (either pushbutton or switch, according to programmed operation).
Following there is a description of all possible features of the channels.
Single or independent
have a similar functionality, but differ for the configuration and will be therefore be treated separately
6.4.7 Single or independent input mode
Each single input can be configured for one of following different features:
Send values or sequences
An event triggers the transmission on the bus of configurable values or sequence of values.
These values can be of a logical type or a numerical type with a different size.
A sequence of values can be made of up to 8 communication objects of different value types.
Time delays can set between values in the sequence.
Dimmer control
This mode is intended to be used with dimming actuators for the control of lighting devices.
The functionality is triggered on short press and long press events.
On short press events, the device sends on/off telegrams to the dimming actuator.
On long press events, the dimming percentage is varied up or down until the button is released.
Shutter or Venetian blind control
This mode is intended to be used together with actuators for the control of motorized blinds, shutters and
similar devices. These actuators have functions for blind opening and closing; two movement types are
selectable, i.e. continuous movement and stepwise movement. On input events, the device sends operation
telegrams to the actuators.
The operation is configurable through following parameters:
mode is enabled, on each activation of the same input the movement direction is inverted;
if it is disabled, the movement direction is fixed and it can be set to “up” or “down”.
mode is enabled, the device sends “full movement” telegrams on long press and “step”
telegrams on short press; if it is disabled, the device sends “full movement” telegrams on long press
and “stop” telegrams on short press.