Applicatio Manual
Universal Interface 4 DIN/NTC EK- CG2-TP
Revisione 1.0.0 - Aggiornato: 04/09/2017
© SBS S.p.A.
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Pag. 5
2 Product decription
The EK-CG2-TP ekinex® devide include four separate digital inputs each configurable as:
Binary input.
NTC temperature Probe
This device is equipped with an integrated communication module for KNX bus and is intended for box
mounting; DIN rail or coupled to the FF and 71 series
The device also comes with programmable LED outputs for each command, which can be used for signaling
functions or as nighttime orientation.
The device is powered by the KNX bus line with a 30 VDC SELV voltage and does not require auxiliary power..
2.1 Input functions
Each one of two active positions of the input, or physical pushbutton, of the device. Such actions, in relation to
a single input, will be labelled with letters A and B..
When the imput is pressed, the device sends on the KNX bus the telegram (or sequence) associated to the
corresponding function according to how the device is programmed..
In the most common situation, for instance, one side of the Input might send an “ON” telegram for a lighting
unit, while the other side would send the “OFF” telegram for the same unit. Another typical application would
be for one side of the Input to increase the brightness of a dimmed light (and respectively decrease it for the
opposite side), or to raise / lower a curtain or blind and so on.
The two functions associated with a Input can also be programmed to perform exactly the same operation,
thereby effectively causing one Input to act as a single pushbutton..
2.2 Temperature probes and thermostats
By parameterizing through ETS the input as probe, the device allows to enable and configure up to four
thermostats, regardless of the number of inputs that have been configured.
2.3 Uscite Led
The interface has a number of outputs for the signal LED connection, the number of inputs, which can be freely
programmed (also with functions independent of inputs), both as functional indications and for obtaining
aesthetic effects or as night orientation lights.
For a more detailed description of the LED outputs and their configuration parameters refer to the application
section of the manual.