Applicatio Manual
Universal Interface 4 DIN/NTC EK- CG2-TP
Revisione 1.0.0 - Aggiornato: 04/09/2017
© SBS S.p.A.
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Pag. 25
8.4 Anticondensation protection function
The objective of this function is to prevent the condensation on the thermal exchange surfaces of the installation
or building when cooling is working. This function is mainly used in systems with thermal exchange consisting in
surface terminals such as for the floor and ceiling cooling radiant systems. In this case the hydraulic circuits contain
refrigerated water; usually the latent loads (due to the increase of air humidity in the room) are handled by air-
conditioning units and the temperature and humidity conditions are far from those that could cause condensation.
If this is not done in a satisfactory manner, or in case of stop of the airconditioning units, it is necessary to provide
additional safety measures to prevent or restrict the accidental formation of condensation on cold surfaces.
The alarm contact must be connected to an input channel of another KNX device, for example a pushbutton
interface or a binary input. In this case the signal coming from the probe is sent to the channel of the EK-HE1TP
via bus through a communication object.
In case of anticondensation alarm, if the temperature controller is in cooling mode and is demanding for fluid, the
intercept valve is closed. Its resume to normal is automatic as soon as the sensor returns to normal operation. For
related alarms please refer to the Appendix.
8.5 Window contacts
In order to realize energy-saving functions, window contacts (to detect the opening of windows or doors) can be
used. The device can acquire the status of a contact by means of a digital input or receive the status of two
contacts connected to different KNX devices (binary inputs, pushbutton interfaces). When a window opens, the
device automatically switches to
Building Protection
operating mode; when it closes, the device automatically
returns to the previous operating mode. When acquiring two signals, they can be combined in logical OR.
The window contact management is an optional feature, oriented to energy saving, which is available only when
the actuator/controller EK-HE1-TP is configured as integrated temperature controller. When an open window is
detected, the operating mode is forced into building protection and remains forced until all windows are closed.
The application program features a time parameter for opening delay to discriminate between an occasional, short
opening and a long opening, which justifies the energy saving mode recall.
The window contact management has absolute priority over the operating mode forced by time scheduling, over
the mode forced by presence sensors (if enabled) and over the HVAC mode forced by supervisor through the
communication object
HVAC Forced mode in
DPT 20.102.
8.6 Presence sensors
Presence sensors management includes a set of optional features, oriented to energy saving, which become
available when the device is configured as integrated controller.
Generally speaking, if a human presence is detected and limited to the occupancy period, the comfort operating
mode can be extended; vice versa, if no presence is detected, the comfort operating mode can be limited, because
no longer necessary.
The occupancy status detection is performed by presence sensors which can be connected to KNX devices
equipped with binary inputs; the actuator/controller EK-HE1-TP exposes 1 1-bit communication objects for each
one of the 4 channels; these objects are then synchronized to the situations detected by the sensors.
In order to determine which physical state corresponds to the presenc state, two different options can be selected:
Not inverted (normally closed): an open contact corresponds to non-occupancy state, a close
contact corresponds to detected presence;
Inverted (normally open): an open contact corresponds to detected presence, a close contact
corresponds to non-occupancy state;
There are three presence state management modes: comfort extension, comfort limitation and a combination of
these two modes.
Comfort extension
. This function is only active if the actual operating mode is set on comfort; if, during this time, a
presence is detected, the operating mode remains comfort even if the operating mode forced by the time