Web Interface Settings Glossary
Defines the number of bits used to represent a character. Set this parameter to the
same value as on the modem connected to the port. This parameter is used in
asynchronous mode only and allows for call setup commands to be issued before a
connection is established with an external modem.
Possible values: 7 or 8. Default: 8.
Defines the method of parity error checking used. Both ends of the connection must be
to the same value. This parameter is used in asynchronous mode only and allows call
setup commands to be issued before a connection is established with an external
Primary Number
Defines the primary phone number to dial.
If the primary number is busy or otherwise non-responsive, the secondary number is
then dialed. If a secondary number is not defined, the primary number is retried.
When entering the phone number, you must include the characters "AT" followed by a
tone or pulse dial indicator (DT or DP), then the telephone number. The AT prefix is a
Hayes-standard way of communicating with a modem. For example:
• ATDT 555-5555 dials the number 555-5555 using a tone dial.
• ATDP 555-5555 dials the same number using a pulse dial.
Secondary Number
Defines the phone number to dial if the primary number is busy or otherwise
If a secondary number is not defined, the primary number is used again.
When entering the phone number, you must include the characters "AT" followed by a
tone or pulse dial indicator (DT or DP), then the telephone number. The AT prefix is a
Hayes-standard way of communicating with a modem. For example:
• ATDT 555-5555 dials the number 555-5555 using a tone dial.
• ATDP 555-5555 dials the same number using a pulse dial.
Max Delay to establish connection
Defines the maximum delay permitted between dialing a number and achieving a
successful connection. This delay includes the dialing and handshake time between
external modems. If this timer is exceeded, the call is abandoned.
Range: 15-65 seconds. Default: 30.