Eurasian Customs Union
This section contains additional regulatory information to comply with the Eurasian
Customs Union technical regulations.
Manufacturing information
The table below summarizes the required manufacturing information. For further infor-
mation, see the EU Declaration of Conformity (DoC) document.
GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences AB,
Name and address of manufacturer
Björkgatan 30, SE 751 84 Uppsala
Telephone: + 46 771 400 600
GE Healthcare LLC
Importer and/or company for obtain-
ing information about importer
GE Healthcare Life Sciences
Presnenskaya nab., 10C, 12th floor
RU-123 317 Moscow, Russian Federation
Telephone 1: + 7 495 411 9714
Fax nr: + 7 495 739 6932
Email: LSrus@ge.com
Xcellerex XDUO 2500 Mixer Operating Instructions 29146667 AH
1 Introduction
1.3 Regulatory information
1.3.2 Eurasian Customs Union