Installation and Service Guide: Color Controller E-45
Error messages and conditions
To address specific error messages or conditions, see
“E-45 error messages and condition”
on page 111. Use the table to
locate the problem or symptom that you want to fix, read about the possible causes, and then perform the suggested actions
to solve the problem.
If troubleshooting strategies (checking cables and connections, reinstalling system software, and so forth) do not solve the
problem and you suspect that the hard disk drive or motherboard is faulty, note that it is highly unlikely that the hard disk
drive and the motherboard are both defective; therefore, avoid replacing both to solve one problem. Always troubleshoot in
the following order.
Replace the hard disk drive and install system software.
Always replace a faulty hard disk drive with a new hard disk drive. Transferring a hard disk drive from one E-45 to
another is incorrect and strongly discouraged.
The drive required is:
Correctly installed
Not visibly damaged
Jumpered as the master (secondary) according to label
Activity LED lights on power up
DVD drive SATA cable is:
Firmly connected to motherboard SATA_6G_0
Not visibly damaged
DVD drive,
Each cable required is:
The correct type
Installed in the correct connector
Not visibly damaged (including connectors)
Hard disk drive data cable,
DVD drive power and data combination cable,
Power supply,
If included in the system, the required mouse, monitor, and keyboard are present
and appear undamaged. The mouse and keyboard are connected to the correct
ports on the E-45 connector panel.
The cables required are:
Installed in the correct connector
Not visibly damaged (including connectors)
Mouse (if applicable)
Monitor (if applicable)
Keyboard (if applicable)
Monitor power cord (if applicable)
Do not replace the hard disk drive and the motherboard at the same time. Doing so in the wrong order,
without transferring options to the new motherboard, will cause the system to malfunction.
Conditions to verify
Part and additional page references