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Object types
Two object groups are available for communication as IEC server (station) and IEC client (Master).
Object types server communication:
Input (undelayed)
- physical activation of the signal input
Delayed Input
- signal input after expiration of the response delay
Unacknowledged Alarm
- alarm at issue/receded (stored, but not acknowledged)
Stored Alarm
- alarm stored and at issue (output-parallel)
- status of the alarm (Status 1 .. 4)
Status set
- status of the alarm is set (Status 1 .. 4)
Input set
- input is set
For empty fields the value will be set to 0.
Object types client communication:
The available information objects of the IEC client are identical to the information objects of the IEC
6.2 Repeat relays and IEC objects
6.2.1 Relays
Index (idx)
The index is a consecutive number which ensures that the original sequence is reproducible when
sorting the table according to certain contents.
Device number and relay
The column
device number
(0…3) indicates the device that is addressed (master annunciator (0) or
one of
the up to three slaves (1…3)).
The column
addresses the respective repeat relay on the respective device.
The values entered in these columns have to be consistent.
Input indicates the signal input which triggers the relay. The inputs 1…24 can be assigned to a repeat
relay. Additionally, the triggering of an ex
ternal horn (“h”, “H”) or the output of the collective reports 1 –
3 (“s1…s3”, “S1…S3”) can be assigned to a repeat relay. Triggering input and repeat relay have to be
on the same device.
These fields must not be empty.
Pulse length
The pulse length is an integer value between 10 and 10000 in ms.
These fields must not be empty.
Selective functions
In the columns “active”, “inverted”, “output parallel” and “IEC
interface”, the respective function can be
activated by entering “x” or “X”.
For empty fields the respective function is not activated.
The name of the tab „EES_Relay“ must not be changed, otherwise the tab will not be
processed during the import.