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6 Parameterisation by Excel-file
In many applications, a part of the required information for parameterisation is already available in
Excel-files (e.g data point lists). In this case it is useful to transfer this information to a template and
import it into the annunciator. EES provides a template that can be filled in and processed with
common procedures. With the Excel file the parameters for the alarm channels, repeat relays and IEC
objects can be imported into the WAP.
All other parameters can then separately be adjusted on the Web-interface.
The file consists of three different tabs which allow for parameterisation of the following features:
- Alarm channels and IEC objects
- Repeat relays
EES_Collective -
Logic disjunctions for 16 „collective alarms“
If the Excel-file contains parameters for additional slave-devices (within a cascaded annunciator
system), these can only be imported if the respective annunciators have been edified in the
parameterisation of the master annunciator before.
6.1 Alarm channels and IEC objects
Further information on the parameters can be found in the section Submenu Reporting
6.1.1 Alarms
Index (idx)
The index is a consecutive number which ensures that the original sequence is reproducible when
sorting the table according to certain contents.
Device number and input
The column
device number
(0…3) indicates the device that is addressed (master annunciator (0) or
one of
the up to three slaves (1…3)).
The column
addresses the alarm channel on the respective device.
The values entered in these columns have to be consistent.
Signal name 1 and 2
The content of these two fields is used for the parameter „Signal name“ of the reporting channels in
the parameterisation interface. To gain a 3-lined labelling , a third line can be generated in the field
„signal name 2“ by inserting a „
“ as separation between lines 2 and 3.
Operation / Normally closed
The respective function (operation indication or processing of the input in normally closed principle)
can be activated with „x“ or „X“. If the
field is empty, the respective function is not activated.
The given structure of the Excel file must not be changed. This applies especially for the
designations in the first two rows. For a better overview, columns which are not required
can be deleted from the table. Empty columns will not be processed during the import.
The Excel-file has to be of the type .xls, other Excel formats cannot be processed by the
The name of the tab „EES_Input“ must not be changed, otherwise the tab will not be
processed during the import.