HD1430 HD Encoder Frame Card
Web Configuration
The Web Configuration interface enables you to access configurations
for your HD1430 applications from any computer on your local network.
Several web applications are installed at the factory for all HD1430 en-
coders: a Startup Setting editor, a web-based serial-emulation Terminal
for entering Smart Encoder commands, system date/time configuration,
and a documentation library.
Once you have configured your HD1430’s network settings in Dash-
Board and connected it to your LAN via the port on the rear module,
you can leave your encoder and open up a web browser on any PC on
the same local network. Navigate to the IP address that you configured
in DashBoard; for example, type into the address bar of
the browser if that is the address you entered into DashBoard. If you
cannot navigate to the page in your web browser, check with your net-
work administrator that the IP Address and Subnet Mask you entered in
DashBoard are valid parameters for your network, since individual set-
tings vary.
Once the page has loaded, you will see a list on the top panel of the
different web applications installed on your encoder. Click any of these
links to navigate to the page for that application.
Using Smart Encoder Commands
Advanced configuration of the HD1430 can be set through the RS-232
serial ports labeled P1 and P2. The settings for these ports default to
1200 baud, 7 data bits, odd parity, and one stop bit. The HD1430 uses
the EEG Smart Encoder command set. Encoder commands are recog-
nized by a leading control code of <CTRL+A>, also represented by the
ASCII hex code 01. The <CTRL+A> character is non-printing on most
terminal screens, but on some it appears as a smiley face. An Encoder
control command must end with a carriage return, which can be entered
with the <ENTER> key on a keyboard or by 0D in ASCII hex.