EN530 HDTV Smart Encoder IV
Section 3: Encoder Operation
Command Format
The EN530 command set is an extension of the industry standard Smart
Encoder command set used in the EEG 470 series encoders. Most commands
in the EN530 command set can be entered through any serial input port or
through the dial-up modem; any commands that can be entered only through
master configuration port P3 will be specially identified. Encoder commands
are recognized by a leading control code of <CTRL+A>, also represented by
the ASCII hex code 01. The <CTRL+A> character is non-printing on most
terminal screens, but on some it appears as a smiley face. An Encoder control
command must end with a carriage return, which can be entered with the
<ENTER> key on a keyboard or by 0D in ASCII hex.
To send the encoder commands through the serial input ports, connect a
standard 9-pin cable between your PC’s serial port and the RJ11 to DB9
adapter shipped with the EN530, and then connect the other end of the adapter
to any encoder data port. You can now send commands to the encoder, from
your PC, using a communications application such as HyperTerminal, which is
bundled with most versions of Windows. The most basic Smart Encoder
command, useful for checking the operation of your communication setup, is
. If your setup is working correctly, the Encoder will
respond with its model name, firmware version, and serial number. If you have
trouble communicating using HyperTerminal, always check to make sure that
the settings in the Port Settings menu in HyperTerminal match the settings for
the Encoder port you are connecting to.
In this manual, Encoder commands will be distinguished from other text by use
of a bold font. The parameters for each command will be listed in italics.
Optional parameters will be enclosed in square brackets. Possible parameter
values and default settings will be described in text or bullet points after the
command is introduced.
©2000-2007 EEG Enterprises, Inc.