GSA-CC1 Single Input Signal Module Installation Sheet
P/N P-047550-1802-EN • REV 04 • ISS 23JUN15
This page is the
print specification
for the publication. It
is not part of the artwork for the publication and must be
removed before production. Do not print this page.
Work with the factory manufacturing engineer to
determine the best materials and methods to produce,
bind, and package the publication. The manufacturing
engineer will indicate when single-language editions of a
publication should be combined into one print package.
General requirements
The printed publication must meet the following
requirements unless otherwise stated in the “Specific
requirements” section.
Design and production
Artwork is provided as a single-language PDF file of
ordered pages at 100% scale. You can photoreduce or
imposition artwork page images as needed.
When designing the print package, observe the following
Imposition must preserve the intended reading
sequence of the pages given in the artwork file.
Multiple-language packages must present English
first, and the remaining languages in ascending part
number order.
After folding, the publication part number should be
clearly visible without unfolding.
No cropping of the artwork is allowed. Information in
the headers and footers must be retained.
Binding gutters established in the artwork (such as
for three-ring binding) must be observed.
Unless otherwise specified, all printing is in CMYK black.
Spot colors and RGB colors found in the artwork should
be converted to CMYK black by the print vendor.
To ensure legibility and usability, we specify the
following limits for the final print product:
Photoreduction of the artwork must result in a
minimum effective font size of 6 pt. for body text.
The paper stock and ink used must result in a
minimum effective opacity of 85%.
Photoreduction and printing methods must result in
a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, and all illustration
and callout lines must be visible and unbroken.
Specific requirements
Print Specification
P/N P-047550-1802-EN • REV 04 • ISS 23JUN15
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