Use of the EDS dry pump with materials which have auto-ignition temperatures below
the defined temperature rating
Operation such that dusts and process deposits can build up inside the pump
mechanism, blow-off-valve and exhaust. This could lead to a loss of constructional
safety and an ignition hazard
Operation such that the EDS dry pump inlet temperature falls below the dew point of a
vapour being pumped. This could lead to condensate that can collect and lead to the
risk of corrosion or an ignition hazard
Pumping of, or use of the EDS dry pump in the presence of, explosive dust atmospheres
Use of the EDS dry pump in a system or flammable process that causes the ingress of
metallic particles into the pump
Pumping of liquids and solid particles
Pumping pyrophoric gases
Use with oxygen enriched atmospheres
Operation with insufficient attachment of the pump
Conversion, manipulation, and maintenance by people not authorized by Edwards
Use of accessories that are not suitable for the internal or external ATEX rating, or
which are not permitted or approved by Edwards
7.3 Connecting the inlet and exhaust lines
7.3.1 Inlet lines
When you connect the EDS pump to the process system:
Support process pipelines to stop the transmission of stress to pipeline joints.
Use flexible connection in the pipeline from the process system to the pump to reduce
vibration and stress in the system pipelines.
Ensure the loads on the pump-inlet flange do not exceed the limits specified in Exhaust
Consider to isolate the pump from the atmosphere and from your process systems if
you have pumped or produced dangerous chemicals.
On very dusty applications, incorporate an inlet filter in the inlet pipeline, to minimise
the ingress of dust into the pump.
Undo and remove the bolts which secure the blanking-plate to the pump-inlet and
remove the blanking plate. Retain the bolts.
Use the trapped O-ring (fitted to the pump) to connect the pump-inlet to your vacuum
system. Secure the bolts retained in Step 1.
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A41802880_C - Installation