Setting Microphone
Amplification for
The recorder provides the option to adjust
amplification of the microphone's signal (from
0 dB to +40 dB). Both fixed amplification and
Automatic Gain Control can be set. AGC enables
it to automatically adjust amplification according to
the sound level. That makes it possible to perfectly
record very loud sounds and amplify silent ones.
The recorder has two timers: Daily and
Once. Timers enable recording to start
1. When setting Once Timer you need to
specify the record’s start and end time
and date. For example, «start 31.12.2013
23:00 stop 03.01.2014 10:00» - with
these settings your recorder will record
from 23:00 on the 31st of December 2013
until 10:00 of January 3, 2014. However
while configuring you should take into
account the capabilities of your recorder,
i.e. whether it’s free memory is enough to
perform the operation. To check this see