Operations Manual
Eberle Design Inc.
Page 12
graph depicts frequency instability on the channel. Basically a thin smooth graph offers a
more optimum frequency selection over a thick uneven line.
This setting can be enabled by selecting the “3
Car” option in the “Paired Channels”
menu. When this feature is enabled in one channel, its paired channel is also set to the
same state. In the ORACLE 2E and 2EC models, 3
Car mode links Channels 1 and 2
together. In the ORACLE 4E, 4EC, and 4H models, 3
Car mode also links Channels 3 and
4 together When a vehicle is detected on only one of the two linked channels, the channel
with the detected vehicle will enter a pending call state with the DETECT LED flashing 10
times a second and NO call output. DIRECTIONAL LOGIC MODE
This setting can be enabled by selecting the “Direction” option in the “Paired Channels”
menu. When this feature is enabled in one channel, its paired channel is also set to the
same state. In the ORACLE 2E and 2EC models, Channel 1 is paired with Channel 2. In
the ORACLE 4E, 4EC, and 4H models, Channel 3 is also paired with Channel 4.
Directional logic starts with a CALL on one channel. This channel will go into a pending
state with the DETECT LED flashing 10 times a second and NO call output. When both of
the paired channels have detection, the last channel to have detection will output a CALL
until the detection for the last channel ends, even if the detection ends for the first channel
Two operational modes are available, Presence and Pulse. In Presence mode the channel
will produce a call as long as the vehicle is within the detection zone. In Pulse mode, the
channel output will produce a 125 ms pulse for each vehicle that enters the detection zone. PRESENCE MODE
Presence is defined as the maximum period for which the channel will detect a vehicle
within the zone of detection before retuning to the loop and dropping any CALL that may
exist on the channel. Presence mode may be set to Short, Long, or User Defined. If User
Defined is selected, the User Defined Presence time is the next parameter to set, followed
by the time-out mode. If Short or Long is set then the next parameter is Timing. Short
Presence is 30 minutes, Long Presence is 120 minutes.
When the unit is in the Call state, the display will show the value of the Presence timer in
the following format:
Seconds only (ex: 59”) for timer values less than 1 minute
Minutes and Seconds (ex: 99’59”) for timer values of 1 minute to 100 minutes
Hours and Minutes (ex: 17:59”) for timer values of 100 minutes to 18 hours USER DEFINED PRESENCE
Each channel may be set to a value between 5 seconds and 96 hours. USER DEFINED PRESENCE TIME-OUT MODES
Each channel may be set to either End-of-Green (Grn Ends) or Immediate (Immed). In the
“Grn Ends” mode a detection that remains after the presence time has expired will be reset
at the next end of green (i.e. the next time the Timer Control input goes from ON to OFF. In
the “Immed” time-out mode, a detection that remains after the presence time has expired
will be reset immediately.