310003_04 | 06.2019
Eder Forestrytools
Declaration of conformity
Eder Mechanical Engineering GmbH
Schweigerstraße 6
38302 Wolfenbüttel
Herewith declares that the machine designated below complies with the relevant essential safety and
health requirements of the EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC due to its design and construction.
Main designation:
Alternative accessories:
EDER Forestrytools
EDER Forestrytools
EDER Forestrytools
EDER Forestrytools
EDER Forestrytools
EDER Forestrytools
EDER Forestrytools
EDER Forestrytools
(Type ESG-A56)
(Type EPH-A56)
(Type ERH-A56)
(Type EKH-A56)
(Type ERB-A56)
(Type ETH-A56)
(Type ESF-A56)
(Type EBF-A56)
Serial number: FT31-001000 and following
The following standards were used to implement the safety and health requirements specified in the EC
1. EN ISO 12100, Safety of machinery - General principles for design, risk assessment and risk
2. Centrifugal force test according to DIN EN 847-1, Machine tools for woodworking - Safety
requirements - Part 1: Milling and planing tools, circular saw blades
Internal measures have been taken to ensure that the serial production devices always meet the
requirements of the current EC directives and the standards applied.
Authorized person for the technical documentation: Michael Pögel
Wolfenbüttel, 10.09.2018
Ulrich Schrader, Managing Director