Publishing Date 6/10/96 Rev.4
Congratulations on your purchase of your new NEMESIS Combo
Amplifier system. This manual will cover all (4) versions of the NEMESIS
Combos. These include the NC-210,NC-410,NC-112,and NC-115.
All of these models currently use the NC-200 Power Amplifier System.
All of us at the NEMESIS factory are totally committed to providing you
with the very best Bass Guitar systems in their class. We hand build
them all right here in the USA.
Our goal is to offer to you, both the outstanding performance quality of a
top notch professional Bass Amplification system and a reasonable price
point. Our goal is to make the Nemesis line such a great value that you
really can't afford not to own one. The NEMESIS operation is solely
owned by EDEN ELECTRONICS, one of the very best Manufacturers of
Fine Bass Amplification equipment in the world .
The NEMESIS products group encompasses an entire array of new
technologies, fabrication techniques, and materials. It is in fact a
revolution in Bass Equipment and manufacturing technology. We have
taken FET power device technology, computer optimized circuit design
and years of research and testing to evolve our new electronics package
( the NC-200). This is a great step forward in performance, reliability,
and value. We have spent years researching new materials and
manufacturing techniques that are both optimum for acoustic enclosures
and friendly to the environment.
We have developed a new and truly revolutionary method of making
loud speaker enclosures. Our new production process allows us to use
recycled wood and paper products in a unique way that is very