SE-601 Series Electrocardiograph User Manual Operation Preparations
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3.2.2 Cleaning the Skin
Thorough skin preparation is very important. The skin is a poor conductor of electricity and
frequently creates artifacts that distort the ECG signals. By performing methodical skin
preparation, you can greatly reduce the possibility of noise caused by muscle tremor and baseline
drift, ensuring high-quality ECG waves. There is natural resistance on the skin surface due to dry,
dead epidermal cells, oils and dirt.
To Clean the Skin
Shave hair from electrode sites, if necessary. Excessive hair prevents a good connection.
Wash the area thoroughly with soap and water.
Dry the skin with a gauze pad to increase capillary blood flow to the tissues and to remove the
dead, dry skin cells and oils.
3.3 Attaching Electrodes to the Patient
Two kinds of electrode can be used, one is the reusable electrode (including chest electrodes and
limb electrodes), and the other is the disposable electrode.
1. Make sure that all electrodes are connected to the patient correctly before operation.
2. Ensure that the conductive parts of electrodes and associated connectors, including
neutral electrodes, do not come in contact with earth or any other conducting objects.
The quality of ECG waveform will be affected by the contact resistance between
the patient and the electrode. In order to get a high-quality ECG, the
skin-electrode resistance must be minimized while connecting electrodes.