Product description
Product description
This section contains information on the product.
The ecocoach AG ecoBatterySystem reliably stores the property's surplus solar energy and enables
all critical energy producers and consumers in the building to be directly regulated. It has been
developed specifically for optimising private consumption in building applications. The energy flows
can be viewed at any time and optimised very easily using the ecocoach App.
The ecoBatterySystem, together with the components described below, forms the heart of the
ecocoach energy storage concept.
Figure 1: Overview of the ecoBatterySystem
ecoBasicC ecoCards
The ecoBasicControl includes the ecoFirewall and the PLC control unit with standard ecoCards. In
addition to the 24 V DC supply for all low-voltage components provided by the ecoPowerSupply
and the firewall protection provided by the ecoFirewall, the PLC control unit’s functionalities are
completely centralised. It acts as a central processing unit, coordinates the exchange of data
and control commands between the various connected components and makes all the necessary
The ecoEnergyMeter measures various parameters associated with the connected components and
sends this information to the ecoEnergyManager. This enables the connected components to be
monitored and managed around the clock.
The following parameters are analysed: