E93.1001EN.C Manual CD
Menu D: General
D 4
M a x C o o l T i m
2 M i n
Function for setting the maximum overrun time of the fan (max-
imum 10 minutes).
0 = Switch off
Menu D: General
D 5
T e m p O n D i s p
Function to show the (measured) temperature of the boiler at
the display.
Menu D: General
D 6
1 = i 2 = d
Function to set up the CH and HW boiler options.
0 = CH only (direct)
1 = CH/HW function (indirect)
2 = HW only (direct)
For CD
this parameter has been set 2.
Menu D: General
D 7
c o n f i g
Function for the setting of the water pressure.
Up to 4 bar a sensor is used, up to 6 bar a switch.
0 = off
1 = sensor
2 = switch
Menu D: General
D 8
g a s t y p e
Function to select the gas type (according to EN 437)
0 = standard
1 = G31
2 = B/P G30/G31
Menu D: General
D 9
c o n f i g
Function for setting the 'soft start' option
0 = normal start-up
1 = reduced fan ramp-up speed (I)
2 = reduced fan ramp-up speed (II)
Menu D: General
c o n f i g
Function: Pump mode
0 = normal
1 = relay
, connector 19 and 20 (lock-out)
2 = relay
, connector 21 and 22 (burner burning)
3 = relay
, connector 23 and 24 (heat demand)
4 = Do not use (reserved for future applications).
The screen texts on these
pages are standard part of
the software and apply to
CH systems (boilers)
and/or DHW devices (water