Eclipse E-iSERV CD3200 Handy Reference Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for E-iSERV CD3200

Page 1: ...Handy Reference Guide cO FUJITSU TEN ...

Page 2: ...isposltlVo de audio compatible con tecnologla Inalambnca Blueloolh P 16 P 18 P 20 Making acall using aBluetoolh Wireless technology compatible cellular phone Pourplacerun appel par lelephone cellulaIre Blueloolh atechnologle acommande sans fil compatib Hacer una lIamada con un teletono movll compatible con tecnologla rnalambnca Bluetoolh Receiving acall uSing aBluetooth wireless technology compati...

Page 3: ... CD3200 Pour votre securite lors de I utilisation de I appareil CD3200 Medidas de seguridad para el uso del CD3200 P 24 P 26 P 28 listening to music uSing aBluetooth WlrelessteChnOlogYcompat bleaUdIOdeVlce Ecc e LIe a I1JSKlJ er lit sa II a re 3Jd cB etoo p a ectmolog eacomrarde sa s nl compa e Escucha SiCa odo u dspes 0de aud compa b ecor tealOlog a a1ambnca B J too Listening to the satellite rad...

Page 4: ...che a gauche Vc Js pouvez re des CO de mU51que lCD R CO RWI dans e leeteur Ve Iez a ul Iser des CD qUi onl correctement ele graves Selon unite de gravage qUI a ete ul see vous pouvez rencontrer des problemes de lecture avec certal s d sQues Can este reproductor es recamendo3ble utlhzar dISCOS COP as I09otlpos que aparecen a 103 IZQUlerda Puede reproduclr CD de muslca CD R CD RWI en esle reproducto...

Page 5: ...lsque devient facilement pouss ereuse Netloyez Ia de lemps en temps pour eviter que la poussiere qui s accumule ne raye les disques No introduzca objetos distintos a un CD en la unidad de cabezal No inserte abjetos exlrarias como monedas ni tarjetas de credito en la ranura para los diSCOS Preste especial atencion a las travesuras de los mnos a este respecto limpleza de la ranura para discos La ran...

Page 6: ... selected item 5 1 MENU button SWlches 10 TEL mode and MENU mode MEI jU 6 TEXT SCREENITEXT button fi il l Switches screen pattern Switches tille display 1 Release button Detach the nght end of Ihe front pane From the body of the main umt I MUTE button Activates and deac tvates mule 9 Buttons 1 to 6 Selects radio preset channels and performs disc mode functions R SOURCE PWR button j SOORCE SWitches...

Page 7: audlc Met sous tenSion au coupe l alimentatl Jn 0 Boulon RTN BAND 11 Permet de revenlr a recran precedent Permet de changer de bande radio 12 Boulon MODE Permel d aetrverlde desaetlVer Ie mode rotall N Bolon Nombre Funclon l Bolon A AbreJererra el panel frontal yexpulsa los CD i Baton VOL AJusla el volumen 11 Bolon SELECT SelecclOna la emrsora de radio ylas p1stas de un CD Selecclona los elemen...

Page 8: ...Rj L appareil se met en marche Pulse el boton SOURCE PWRJ Se encendera la unldad I Turning the power on Mise sous tension Encender de la unidad Turning the power on I Mise sous tension I Encender de la unidad When power is OFF Lorsque I appareil s arrete Cuando la unidad este apagada ...

Page 9: ...por completa ACC OFF Completely OFF Termine Desactlve APAGADO complelo Appuyez sur Ie bouton SOURCEI PWRj jusqu a ce que vaus entendiez un blp sonare pendant plus d une seconde L appareil est arrete et passe en mode veille Appuyez sur Ie bouton SOURCE PWRj jusqu a ce que Ie message ACC OFFj apparalsse L apparell est mls hars tension When power is ON Lorsque I appareil est en marche Con la unidad e...

Page 10: ...tart playing Appuyez sur Ie bouton A Alors Inserez un CD dans la fente avec la face Imprimee vers Ie haut Le panneau avant se ferme automallquement et la lecture du CD demarre Immediatement Pulse el baton A Entonces introduzca un CD en la ranura can la etlqueta hacia arriba EI panel frontal se cerrara automatlcamente y se comenzara a reproduCir el CD de inmedlato Insert a CD Inserez un CD Introduz...

Page 11: ...el modo de CD TRACK FILE UP DOWN TRACK FILE UP DOWN PISTA ARCHIYO SIGUIENTE ANTERIOR CDP HI i Ijlj ECLIPSE THE BE j n 1 fJ D F HrJ i F F T 111 II II I I r Turn the VOL button Turn to the right Increases the volume Turn to the left Decreases the volume Tournez Ie bouton VOL Tournez a droite pour augmenter Ie volume Tournez a gauche pour baisser Ie volume Gire el baton VOL Giro a la derecha aumento ...

Page 12: ...ur la memoire USB Escuchar archivos de musica en la memoria USB Connect a USB memory Branchez une memoire USB Conecte una memoria USB I Connect a USB memory uSing Ihe Branchez une memoIre USB aI alde Conecte una memorIa USB USB connector du connecteur USB utllizando el conector USB ...

Page 13: ...nos de un segundo Pulse el baton varias veces hasta que aparezca el modo USB FILE UP DOWN FILE UP DOWN PISTA ARCHIVO SIGUIENTE ANTERIOR USc r _1 _ f_1 ECLIPSF THE BE J _ r ll T l IrL 1 III II rn n Turn the VOL button Turn to the nght Increases the volume Turn to the left Decreases the volume Tournez Ie bouton VOL Tournez a droite pour augmenter Ie volume Tournez a gauche pour balsser Ie volume Gir...

Page 14: ...ctionnez une station radio Seleccione una emisora de radio II After sWitching the mode to the FMIAM mode press a preset button between 1 J and 611 Apres etre passe au mode FMiAM appuyez un des boutons de prereglage entre 11 et 6 Luego de camblar el modo al modo FMIAM pulse un boton pref lado entre 1 y 6J ...

Page 15: ...parezca el modo FM AM Turn the VOL button Turn to the right Increases the volume Turn to the left Decreases the volume Tournez Ie bouton VOL Tournez a droite pour augmenter Ie volume Tournez a gauche pour baisser Ie volume Gtre el boton VOL Giro a la derecha aumento del volumen Giro a la Izquierda disminuci6n del volumen Storing stations into memory automatically ASM Enregistrement automatique de ...

Page 16: Visualizar el menu TI U PHUNI t Hi 1 I Iin ONNEr T L I I 1111111 Press the MENU bulton for more than one second Appuyez sur Ie bouton MENU pendant plus d une seconde Pulse el baton MENU durante mas de un segundo o Search for and select the main umt from the cellular phone Recherchez et selectionnez uniteprinclpale apartir du telephone cellulalre Buscar yseleccionar la umdad principal desde el...

Page 17: ...SELECT HAUT BAS puis appuyez sur Ie bouton ENTER SeleCCIone Phone Setting pulsando el boton SELECT UP DOWN Yluego pulse el boton ENTER Select Registration by pressing the SELECT button UP DOWN and Ihen press the ENTERI button Selectionnez Registration en appuyant sur Ie bouton SELECT HAUTlBAS puis appuyez sur Ie bouton ENTER Seleccionar Registration pulsando el boton SELECT para arriba y abaJo y l...

Page 18: ... For details refer to the ECLIPSE WebSite given below and download the operation manual Pour placer un appel II eXlste diverses fa ons autres que la saisie d un numero de telephone emplQl de la compoSition prereglee d un annuaire telephonlque des appels entrants sortants memorises etc Pour obtentr de plus ampies details rMMez vous au slle Internet ECLIPSE sousmentlonne ellelechargez Ie mode d empl...

Page 19: ...olOg Calls Appels sortants Faltes un appel apartir de I hlstonque des appels Toumer Ie bouton VOL pour selectionner la personne numero de telephone que lOUS destrez appeler pUtS appuyez sur Ie boulon ENTER Pulse el bolon MODE para seleccionar el metodo de lIamada desde el Phonebook agenda telefanica Incoming Calls Ilamadas entrantes 0 OutgolOg Calls Ilamadas salientes Haga una lIamada del htstoria...

Page 20: ...eing received For details refer to the ECLIPSE Website given below and download the operation manual II existe deux fayons de recevoir un appel par reponse manuelle habituelle ou par reponse automatlque dans ce cas la communication commence de fayon automatlque 5 secondes apres la reception d un appel Pour obtenir de plus amples details rMerez vous au site Internet ECLIPSE sousmentlonne et telecha...

Page 21: ...onde pendant qu un appel entrant est relfu L appel entrant sera refuse Pulse el boton MENU durante menos de un segundo mlentras que se esla reclbiendo una Hamada La lIamada enlrante sera rechazada End the call Fin de rappel Terminar la lIamada Turn the VOL bulton while an incoming call IS being received Turn to the nght Increases the volume Turn to the left Decreases the volume Tournez Ie bouton V...

Page 22: ...N Fonetion Seleccionar el modo FUNCION Select FUNC by pressing the SELECT button UP DOWN and then press the ENTER button Selectionnez FUNC en appuyant sur Ie bouton SELECn HAUTlBAS puis appuyez sur Ie bouton ENTER Selecclone FUNC pulsando el baton SELECT UPiDOWN y luego pulse el boton ENTER J 1 r onl lO ft on I lMPI I II IJ Cj Press the I MENU button for more than one second Appuyez sur Ie bouton ...

Page 23: ...r Ie bouton SELECT HAUT BAS puis appuyez sur Ie bouton ENTER SeleCCIonar BT Audio Setting pulsando el boton SELECTj para arnba y abajo y luego pulse el boton ENTER Select Connect by pressing the SELECT button UP DOWN and then press the ENTER button Selectionnez Connect en appuyant sur Ie bouton ISELECT HAUT BAS puis appuyez sur Ie bouton ENTER Seleccionar Connect pulsando el boton SELECT para arri...

Page 24: ... acommande sans fil Reproducir musica usando un dispositivo de audio compatible con tecnologia inalambrica Bluetooth1 Press the SOURCEj button for es har one second Press Ihe bulton several times unt I It e BT Audio rrodn IS dlsr layed Appuyez sur Ie bo ton SOURCE pe d m mc ns d une secnnd Appuyez plusleurs fOls sur e bouto jJsql ace ql e morle BT Audlo so I afflrhe Pulse el boton SOURCE dLrarte l...

Page 25: ...BA a eahce a func 0 de ep oducc on del reprodl IN e udlo Pulse el brtr n Para C0me zar a pr jur la mUSlca otra vez pu se e bolon SELE 1 UP boto J Turn the VOL button Turn 10 the rlghl Increases the volume T rn t t c le Decreases the volume T urnez Ie bouton VOL TOurnez a dr It pcur augmenter Ie volUJ e TourneL a gauche pour balsser Ie volume G e el baton VOL GirO a la derecha aun nte dl I vullJmen...

Page 26: ...Connect an IPod uSing the optional Interface Adapter for IPod The IPod will begin playing once it IS connected Connectez un IPod au moyen de I adaptateur d interface pour IPod L IPod debute la lecture des qu il est connecte Conecte un iPod con el adaptador de interfaz 0pclonal para IPod EI iPed comenzara a reproduCifse una vez que este conectado ...

Page 27: ...rn lh butt 1 lIT 10 I II nghl Increases the volume Tl II the left De reases the olume T urne e bout In I vOll T urne a 1r 11 p r 31 ment e II urne T ur gal he Pl ur balsser Ie volume Glre el boton VOL Giro a la derf cha aumento de vol Jmen Girl a la _1ulf rda dlsmmUClon del volumen Other Operation Autre sorte de commande Otras operaclones Advancing to the next music file or returning to the beginn...

Page 28: ...parado La recepci6n de la radio por satelite XM SIRIUS requlere el pago de unas cuotas asi que es preciso suscnbirse al serVICIO Se puede suscnblr a traves del sltio web de XM SIRIUS XM URL http www xmradio com SIRIUS URL http www sirius com La reception de la radio satellite XM SIRIUS est tanfee vous devez vous y abonner II est possible de s abonner via Ie site Web de la radio XM SIRIUS XM URL ht...

Page 29: ...itee Cambiese a la banda deseada Press the RTN button for less than one second RadiO bands will sWitch from XM1ISIRIUS1 XM21SIRIUS2 XM31 SIRIUS3 XM41SIRIUS4 In order each time the button IS pressed Appuyez sur Ie bouton RTN pendant mains d une seconde Le menu afflchera dans I ordre les bandes radio XM1 SIRIUS1 XM21 SIRIUS2 XM3 SIRIUS3 XM4 SIRIUS4 a chaque pression du bouton Pulse el baton RTN dura...

Page 30: ...manual Turn on the portable audio player and start its play function The AUX mode is activated L apparell comporte deux bornes de conneXlon une pour Ie connecteur RCA et I autre pour Ie cable E LAN en option AUX 105 Pour obtenir de plus amples details au sujet de la methode de raccordement referez vous au manuel d installation Mettez Ie lecteur audio portable sous tension et lancez la lecture Le m...

Page 31: ...uton Jusqu a apparition du mode AUX Pulse el baton SOURCE durante menos de un segundo Pulse el baton varlas veces hasta que aparezca el modo AUX Turn the VOL button Audio output levels Will differ lor the varIOus deVices that can be connected by thiS method Carefully adJusl volume until the output level 01 the connected player IS known Tournez Ie bouton VOL Les niveaux de sortie audiO varlent en l...

Page 32: ...s from the body of the main unit Then hold the front panel and pull it toward you to remove It Appuyez sur Ie bouton Release La partie drolte du panneau avant se detache de I unite principale Alors tenez Ie panneau avant et tirez Ie vers vous afin de Ie detacher Pulse el boton Release EI extremo derecho del panel frontal se separa del cuerpo de la unidad principal Entonces sujete el panel frontal ...

Page 33: ...xlremo Izquierdo del panel frontal en la un dad pnnclpal EncaJe la pres1lla del extrema Izquierdo del panel frontal can el bloqueo de la unldad pnnc pal Entonces preslone el extr rT O derechc rlel panel frontal hasta Que escuche un Cllt Put the front panel Into the case Rangez la fa ade dans son boilier Coloque el panel frontal dentro de la carcasa CAUTION I MISE EN GARDE I PRECAUCION Store the pa...

Page 34: ... 7 kg Masa peso 1 7 kg aprox Usage temperature range 20 C to 65 C 4 F to 149 F Piage de temperature de fonctionnement 20 C a 65 C 4 F a 149 F Intervalo de temperatura de uso 20 C a 65 C de 4 F a 149 F Storage temperature range 40 C to 85 C 20 F to 185 F Plage de temperature de stockage 40 C a 85 C 20 F a 185 F Intervalo de temperatura de almacenamiento 40 C a 85 C de 20 F a 185 F Bluetooth Bluetoo...

Page 35: ...B QUieting Sensitivity Seuil de sensation douloureuse 50 dB 24 dBf Sensibilidad de silenciam ento de 50 dB Frequency Response 30 15 000 Hz 3 dB Reponse de frequence 30 15000 Hz 3 dB Respuesta de frecuencia 30 15 000 Hz 3 dB Stereo Separation Separation stereo 38 dB 1 kHz Separaci6n estereo Frequency Range USA 530 1 710 kHz 10 kHz step Asia 522 1 629 kHz 9 kHz step Australia 522 1 710 kHz 9 kHz ste...

Page 36: ...clones USB MEMORY SECTION SECTION MEMOIRE USB SECCION DE MEMORIA USB Frequency Response Reponse de frequence 20 Hz 20 kHz 3 dB Respuesta de frecuencia SIN Ratio A weighted Rapport signal bruit niveau 95 dB acoustique pondere A Radio SIN peso A Total Harmonic Distortion Distorsion harmonique 0 008 Distorsion total de armonicos AUDIO AMPLIFIER AMPLIFICATEUR AUDIO AMPLIFICADOR DE AUDIO 14 W x 4 20 Hz...

Page 37: ...A I MALAISIE I MALASIA CSE Automotive Technologies Sdn Bhd Level 5 Axis Plaza Jalan U1 44 Glenmarie 40150 Shah Alam Selangor 0 E Malaysia Phone Telephone Teletono 03 5569 4200 Fax 03 5569 4201 SINGAPORE I SINGAPOUR I SINGAPUR Cobara Singapore Pte ltd 07 02 King s Centre 390 Havelock Road Singapore 169662 Phone Telephone Telefono 67372568 Fax 6737 9538 KOREA I COREE I COREA J TED TRADE Toy Bldg 2F ...

Page 38: ...ting vehIcle cIrcuit Never leave a power supply wire or connectIon unlOsulated Always Install suppJted fuses CIrcuIt breakers and relays Warning Air bags are VItal safety maIO unIt Never Install main unIt in a way which will alter aIr bag wIfing or interfere with aIr bag deployment Air bags must function properly 10 the event of an accident When mstallation IS complete test all vehIcle electrical ...

Page 39: ...etc come In contact with water or nand t on of ttlgh mOisture dust or OIly smok e If water mOIsture dust or 01 y sm ke enter l s rna n uM smoke fires or malfunctIOns may result Avoid IOslalling In places where II cannot be fastened securely or where there are strong VIbratIons Also If you Installed the main unit wllh double Sldea De first wipe away dIrt and wax from the installatIOn area Otherwise...

Page 40: a ce Qu aucune piece mobile du vehlcule nolamment celles des sieges areglage electnque ne frotle conlre ces cables nl ne les ecrase ou les endomrnage Avertlssement Pour eVlter lout endommagement de I unlte pnnclpale et du vehlcule notammenlles IOcendles ne mellez pas I unlle pnnClpale sous tenSion s il yades nsques de surcharge de Ia capaClle du circulI du vehlcule Vous devez systematiquement i...

Page 41: ...eau falble de maOiere a pou QIr entendre les bruits exteneurs tels qu un a ertlssement sonore des VOIX OJ une Slfene Dans cas conlralre vous nsquez de provoquer un arodenl Veiliez a ne pas ous pmcer les mains ou les dOlgts lorsQue vous aJuslez les angles de I apparel ou lars de la fermelure du panneau Vous nsquez de vous blesser Ne meUez pas es mains au les dOlgts dans la fente de chargement du dl...

Page 42: ...e a mentaClQll de oornenle 0 una co lE xl6n lnsla e sempre los t s bes lnterrttpmres de CJrCultOS y reles sumlO strados Los arbags coos lluyen una unldad fundamental de segunoad No Instale nunca una unldad pnnclpal de modo que pueda alterar el cableado de los alrbags 0 IOlerfenr en la lrayectona de los mlsmos Los alrtags deben funoonar correctamenle Sl sa produce un acadente Cuando haya finallzado...

Page 43: ye e vados r l ve es d h meaae La carcasa POCr a deformarse yromper 0caUsal fugas en las p as lJl esta a d pal 0 para e n r r de t U 0 Poor a pr v arse d scar as 0 s s a a E r ti dJ r 0 a oe esla rl aad pr opalreo fIe expeneroa ycanoe rn entos 5e rI f J J Je a aal a rea ce un profesLOl la Co S a a SU d IOU dOl 0 aun r sta a1or p S ona Un cabieadO JlCO Tec o puede jaw a dad p r pa eMf a pela n s...

Page 44: and on user is encouraged to try correct the interference by one or more of the following measures 1 1 Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna 1 2 Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver 1 3 Connect the equipment into an outlet on circuit different from that to which receiver is connected 1 4 Consult the dealer or experienced radio TV technician for help FCC IIC Informati...

Page 45: aessayer de carriger les Interferences en prenant I une au plusleurs des mesures suivantes 1 1 Reonenter ou replacer I antenne de reception 1 2 Augmenter la separation entre I equlpement et Ie recepteur 1 3 Connecter I equipement a une pnse sur un mCUlt different de celul auquelle recepteur est connecte 1 4 Consultez Ie distributeur ou un techmcien expenmente en radlolTV pour obtenlf de I aide ...

Page 46: ...arece al usuano de tratar de correglr la Interferencla por medlo de una 0 mas de las medidas siguientes 1 1 Reonentar 0 reublcar la antena receptora 1 2 Incrementar la separacion entre el aparato y el receptor 13 Conectar el aparato a un enchufe en un Clrculto diferenle del que el receptor esla conectado 1A Consultar con el dlstnbuldor 0 con un tecmco de radlofTV expenmentado para obtener ayuda In...

Page 47: ...Safely Secunte Segundad II ...

Page 48: votre CD3200 Ce numero est colle ou estampille sur Ie chassis W de serie Este dispositivo cumple con 10 establecido en la Parte 15 de la Normativa de la FCC Su funcionamiento esta sujeto 8 18 condicl6n de que no cause interferenclas perjudlciales AVISO AL CONSUMIDOR Rogamos conserve este manual y anote en el el numero de serie de su CD3200 para su posterior identificaci6n Dicho numero de serie ...

Page 49: ... a safe place for future reference Nous vous remercions d avoir achete ce recepteur Veuillez lire ce manuel afin d utiliser votre appareil correctement Nous vous recommandons de conserver ce manuel dans un endroit sur afin de pouvoir Ie consulter ulterieurement Tras adquirir este receptor rogamos lea atentamente su manual para una correcta utilizaci6n del equipo Igualmente guarde dicho manual en u...

Page 50: ... to the main unit and the vehicle Never install this main unit where it will interfere with safe operation of the vehicle Never block the drivers view Do not install main unit where it may interfere with operation of the brakes the steering or any safety equipment including seat belts and air bags Before drilling holes in a vehicle for installation you must confirm the locations of pipes tanks ele...

Page 51: ...t paying attention to the forward direction Do not put foreign objects in the loading slot of disc or USB input terminal Fires or shocks may result Do not disassemble or alter this main unit Accidents fires or shocks may result Do not let water or foreign objects enter the internal parts of this main unit Smoke fires or shocks may result Pay attention to where the remote control is left Traffic ac...

Page 52: ... main unit When the air flow of the heat sink or vents are obstructed the interior overheats and fires may result Connect as specified in the installation manual If not connected normally fires or accidents may result When installing in vehicles eqUipped with air bags check the manufacturer s cautions regarding operation to ensure proper operation of the airbags Install wiring in a manner that wil...

Page 53: ...ery rupture and leakage Store the remote control in a place away from direct sunlight high temperatures and high moisture levels The outer case may change shape and the batteries may rupture and leak Do not use this main unit except for in vehicle use Shocks or injuries may result Be careful of the position of the volume when turning the power source ON Hearing damage may result if very loud noise...

Page 54: ...6 For your safety in using the CD3200 ...

Page 55: ...t Mode 66 Making changes with Display Adjustment Mode 72 Making changes with Function Mode 76 How to operate the main unit with an optional CD changer connected 84 How to operate the tuner with an optional HD Radio tuner connected U S A only 86 Howto operate the tunerwith an optional XM satellite radio tuner connected U S A CANADA only 88 Howto operate the tunerwith an optional SIRIUS satellite ra...

Page 56: ...w to attach the detachable pane 21 How to operate the CDIMP3IWMA player 22 About compact discs 22 About brand new COs 22 About CD accessories 23 About borrowed COs 23 How to remove COs 23 About irregularly shaped COs 23 About cleaning a CO 23 About MP3IWMA 24 What is MP3 WMA 24 Playable MP3 file standards 24 Playable WMA file standards 24 ID3IWMA tag 25 Media 25 Format of discs 25 File names 26 Mu...

Page 57: ... music 37 Selecting the music you want to listen to 38 Fast forward rewind 38 Bluetooth audio setup 38 Displaying the BT Audio Set selection mode 38 Switching the Bluetooth audio mode on and off 38 Connecting the main unit and the portable device 39 Disconnecting the main unit and the portable device 39 Displaying device information for the main unit 40 How to operate the tuner 42 Listening to the...

Page 58: ...on 52 Displaying the Phone Setting selection mode 52 Registering a cell phone 53 Delete a registered cell phone 54 Connecting a registered cell phone 54 Disconnecting a cell phone 55 Registering phone number in the phonebook 55 Setting Auto Answer 56 Setting the ring tone 56 Setting Auto Answer for registered cell phones 56 Displaying device information for the main unit 57 Enabling phone numbers ...

Page 59: display data DISP Data 74 Changing the scroll type Scroll Type 75 Making changes with Function Mode 76 Switching the Function Mode 76 Setting a station name disc title 76 Deleting a station name disc title 77 Setting the guide tone 77 Setting clock display Clock ON OFF 77 Setting time Clock Adjust 78 Switching demonstration screen display Demo 78 Setting the steering remote function U S A only...

Page 60: ...onal SIRIUS satellite radio tuner connected U S A lCANADA only 92 About SIRIUS satellite radio 92 Selecting the radio mode 92 Selecting a channel 92 Operations during rotary mode 92 Category selection 93 Direct channel selection 93 Manually storing channels into memory 93 Preset channel scan 93 Switching displays when using the SIRIUS satellite radio 94 Displaying the SIRIUS ID 94 How to operate t...

Page 61: ...t sensitivity 101 If you have a question 102 Displayed information for troubleshooting 102 When you think there is a malfunction 104 Specifications 106 How to contact customer service 108 For more information on the operation of E iSERV Area Shot display data steering remote refer to the ECLIPSE Website given below and download the operation manual URL http www e iserv jp 13 ...

Page 62: ...ot insert anything other than a CD into the main unit Do not insert any foreign objects such as coins or credit cards into the disc slot Avoid severe mechanical shock When the player is subjected to severe vibration while traveling over a rough surface playback may be intermittent When a situation like this occurs resume playback after returning to a smoother road About dew condensation In cold or...

Page 63: ...15 ...

Page 64: ...pens closes front panel and ejects CD G VOL button Adjusts volume SELECT button Selects radio station and CD tracks Selects setting items a ENTER button Enters selected item MENU button Switches to the TEL mode MENU Switches to the Menu Selection mode SCREEN TEXT button TEXT Switches the screen pattern Switches the title display 16 ...

Page 65: ...Button NamelWorking No Button NamelWorking I Release button j Detach the right end of the front panel from the body of the main unit MUTE button Activates and deactivates mute Buttons 1 to 6 SCAN Selects radio preset channels and performs disc mode functions OPT RAND 13 I I 81 1 I No NamelWorking Disc slot Inserts compact discs Never place an object or rest your hands or the like on the front pane...

Page 66: ...the power will go completely off While the power is ON press and hold the SOURCE PWR button until the ACC OFF message is displayed The power will go completely OFF mATTENTION If the vehicle does not have an ACC position press the SOURCE PWR button until the ACC OFF message is displayed 18 Switching Audio Modes IIPress the SOURCE button for less than one second Press the button to switch mode in th...

Page 67: ...ecalled with a single operation Creating a shortcut A shortcut can be created for one of the following MENU mode adjustment functions sound adjustment mode display adjustment mode or function mode IISwitch to the mode that you want to create a shortcut for See the explanation for each adjustment mode for more information on switching them Sound Adjustment Mode Page 69 Display Adjustment Mode Page ...

Page 68: ...mode refer to page 73 Displays a black screen The screen s display pattern can be switched IIPress the SCREENITEXT for less than one second When the button is pressed the screen pattern changes display type in the following order Motion picture Motion picture off Sound Meter Display off Motion picture Pattern Display The function button selected for adjustment is displayed Motion picture Motion pi...

Page 69: ...el in it Names of controls and parts How to attach the detachable panel IIInsert the left end of the front panel into the main unit Engage the catch at the left end of the front panel with the lock on the main unit itself BAttach the front panel Press the right end of the front panel until it clicks into place CAUTION If you drop the detachable panel or subject it to impact it may be damaged or ma...

Page 70: ... kept away from high temperature and humidity Do not adhere a piece of paper or tape Do not write on or scratch either side of a disc Discs spin at a high speed inside the main unit Keep cracked or warped discs out of the player to avoid damaging the main unit Avoid touching the recorded surface when handling a disc handle discs by their edges About brand new CDs Rough Edges You may notice that so...

Page 71: ... t play problems due to the protector ring that came off in the disc mechanism About borrowed CDs Do not use a CD with glue or remnants of adhesive tape or labels They may cause the CD to get stuck inside or damage the main unit How to remove CDs When removing the ejected disc pull it straight out along the slot Removing the disc in a downward or upward angle may scratch the recorded surface of th...

Page 72: than MP3 files This main unit has limitations on MP3IWMA file standards and recorded media and formats that can be used Playable MP3 file standards Supported standards MPEG 1 Audio Layer III Supported sampling frequencies 44 1 48 kHz Supported bit rate 64 80 96 112 128 160 192 224 256 288 320 kbps Supports VBR 64 320 kbps Does not support free format Supported channel modes monaural stereo join...

Page 73: ...CD R and CO RW discs be kept in a light blocking case because the discs are vulnerable to ultra violet light Format of discs The format of discs to be used must be IS09660 Level 1 or Level 2 Control items for this standard are as follows Maximum layers in directory 8 layers Maximum characters for folder names file names 32 including and 3 letter file extension Allowable characters for folder names...

Page 74: a disc using Track at once close the session or perform the finalization process Standardize the format so that it does not change with each session Playing MP3IWMA When a disc with recorded MP3IWMA files is inserted the main unit first checks all the files on the disc No sound is output while the main unit is checking the files on the disc It is recommended that the disc be recorded without fi...

Page 75: ...A is present on the same disc with MP3 WMA music files the normally recorded music data will be played To listen to the MP3 WMA music files press MODE button for more than one second MP3 WMA files which are not supported cannot be played In this case NO SUPPORT is displayed The optional CD changer cannot be used to play MP3 WMA files How to operate the CD MP3IWMA player TRACK FILE UP DOWN CD MP3IW...

Page 76: ...N BAND button The main unit will move to the root directory and the first music track file will be played ATTENTION When there is no file to be played in the root directory the file in the first folder is played 28 FAST FORWARD REWIND CD MP3IWMA IIPress and hold the SELECT Right Left button o Right Fast forwards o Left Rewinds SCAN REPEAT RANDOM CD 1 Press the 4 SCAN button the 5 RPT button or the...

Page 77: ...urn to random play Occasionally the same track will play two or more times This is a normal operation and is not a sign of a problem SCAN REPEAT or RANDOM will appear on the display when these functions are active How to operate the CD MP3IWMA player FOLDER SCAN REPEAT RANDOM MP3IWMA I Press the 4 SCAN button the 5 RPT button or the 6 RAND button for more than 1 second SCAN The first 10 seconds of...

Page 78: is recorded with a disc title and track titles These information will be displayed during playback illJo DIGITAL AUDIO I TEXT I CD text Folder name file name or tag recorded with characters other than alphanumeric and symbols cannot be displayed 30 Ejecting the disc IIPress the OPEN EJECT button The front panel opens and the disc is ejected rnATTENTION If a loaded CD is not ejected I press the ...

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Page 80: ...16 22 05 24 kHz MPEG 2 5 8 11 025 12 kHz Supported bit rate MPEG 1 32 40 48 56 64 80 96 112 128 160 192 224 256 288 320 kbps MPEG 2 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 80 96 112 128 160 kbps MPEG 2 5 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 80 96 112 128 160 kbps Supports VBR 8 320 kbps Does not support free format Supported channel modes monaural stereo joint dual Playable WMA file standards Supported standards WMAVer 7 WMAVer...

Page 81: ...file names A Z 0 9 _ underscore Number of files possible on a single USB memory 3000 Configuration example for USB memory supporting MP3IWMA a Root directory F1 Folder 2 001 mp3 002 mp3 003 mp3 004 txt 005 mp3 Folder498 Folder499 J 001 mp3 t 002 mp3 Folder999 Number of files possible on a single USB memory is 3000 Files aside from MP3IWMA files Example 004 txt also count as single memories Total n...

Page 82: ... music file player When a USB memory or a digital audio player with a USB terminal is connected to a USB connector music files can be played from the USB memory l G tJ 34 USB connection terminal for USB memory or digital audio player ...

Page 83: ...rrupt the data Depending on the type connected the USB memory may not work in some cases The USB memory does not support multi partition or USB hub It is highly recommended to back up your data in case of accidental deletion Install and use the USB device in a place that provides safe operation of the vehicle The music files under the copyright protection cannot be played When connecting a digital...

Page 84: the Bluetooth cell phone and Bluetooth audio Depending on the version of Bluetooth some cell phones may not be able to communicate with the main unit Depending on the surrounding environment the connection may become unstable and the Bluetooth audio function may not be able to be operated from the main unit 36 ATTENTION If the portable device is used with other wireless devices it may have a ne...

Page 85: ...ose together the sound quality and the connection may be adversely effected Listening to music IISwitch to the Bluetooth audio mode For details refer to Switching Audio Modes on page 18 The Bluetooth audio function lEIPress the SELECT Up button The connected Bluetooth compatible portable device starts to play music bIdATTENTION If the portable device is not connected to the main unit its play func...

Page 86: ...tting Main unit and portable device connectivity o Disconnection setting Disconnects the main unit and the portable device 38 o Device INFO display Displays device information for the main unit Displaying the BT Audio Set selection mode IIPress the MENU button for more than one second The MENU selection mode is displayed I IPress the SELECT Up Down IIIbutton to select FUNC IIPress the ENTER button...

Page 87: ...iting message is on the display The Bluetooth audio function I When the connection has been completed the COMPLETED message appears on the display The portable device is now connected to the main unit e and 1 appear on the display If the connection has not been successfully completed the FAILED message appears on the display ATTENTION If the portable device is still connected disconnect it If the ...

Page 88: ...e Blutooth hands free is connected Displaying device information for the main unit The name of the device main unit the passcode and the BD ADD device address can be displayed Press the SELECT Up Down button while in the 8T Audio Set selection mode to select Device INFO IIPress the ENTER button The name of the device and the passcode are displayed rnATTENTION Each time the SCREENITEXT button is pr...

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Page 90: ...3 AM in order each time the button is pressed IIPress the SELECT Right Left button to tune to a station Right Tunes to higher frequencies Left Tunes to lower frequencies 42 Press and hold the SELECT Right Left button The device starts to search for stations automatically Right Starts searching toward higher frequencies Left Starts searching toward lower frequencies rnATTENTION At times it may be d...

Page 91: ...ory again How to operate the tuner Manually storing stations into memory Store a station to a preset button I Press the SELECT Right Left button to tune to the station that you want to store in memory II Select any button from 1 to 6 and press it for more than two seconds The selected station is now stored in a preset button Repeat the above procedure to store additional stations one at a time in ...

Page 92: ... When an optional HD Radio tuner unit is connected reception sensitivity is set to the AUTO Mode The OX Mode is unavailable U S A only I Check that the main unit is in standby I Press and hold button 1 and the MENU button simultaneously for more than three seconds The mode switches between AUTO mode and OX mode each time the buttons are pressed 44 Changing the radio band location The location for ...

Page 93: ... H t J 1 L jJ jly j I iJ y j U 45 ...

Page 94: ...ote control point it toward the remote control light receptor The light receptor may not operate correctly if it is exposed to bright light such as direct sunlight Remove the batteries from the remote control unit whenever it is not to be used for a long time Cleaning the remote control Use a dry cloth to keep the remote control clean If the remote control unit gets extremely dirty clean it with a...

Page 95: ...ches audio source mode DISC button Switches to DISC mode CD CD changer USB or iPod V PRESET CH buttons VDISC buttons I t Selects radio preset channels and performs disc mode functions V TUNE SEEK buttons 1 1 TRACK buttons Selects radio stations and CD tracks WARNING To prevent accidents store batteries out of the reach of children If a child has swallowed one consult a doctor immediately Use two A...

Page 96: ... surrounding environment the connection may become unstable and the Bluetooth hands free function may not be able to be operated from the main unit In such cases confirm that the connection status is good be referring to the radio wave status indicator on the display and then repeat the procedure Some cell phones may not be compatible with the main unit ATTENTION Using Bluetooth may cause batterie...

Page 97: ...D button can be pressed to return to the previous step The Bluetooth hands free function Making a call This function enables you to dial phone numbers from the main unit or to make calls using the stored phone numbers phonebook and incoming outgoing call history Making a call by dialing a phone number Calls can be made by dialing phone numbers from the main unit Before dialing a phone number direc...

Page 98: ... using phone numbers stored in the incoming outgoing call history of the main unit IIPress the MENU button 50 Press the MODE button repeatedly until the Incoming Calls is displayed Incoming call history message appears on the display The incoming call history appears on the display To make a call from the outgoing call history press the MODE button repeatedly until the Outgoing Calls is displayed ...

Page 99: ... to talk even when the call has been made from the main unit The Bluetooth hands free function Receiving a call Calls can be received while in any source mode There is also an automatic answering function to answer automatically For details on answering calls automatically refer to Setting Auto Answer on page 56 I When the phone rings press the ENTER button or the SELECT button A phone connection ...

Page 100: ... that can be used when operating the cell phone can be made from the Bluetooth hands free Phone Setting mode Registration setting To register a cell phone Select Phone setting To select a registered cell phone and connect disconnect or delete it 52 Phone Book setting To store data from the phonebook of the cell phone in the phonebook of the main unit Auto Answer setting To set the cell phone to Au...

Page 101: ...he default passcode is 1234 mATTENTION For details on how to operate the cell phone read its instruction manual The Bluetooth hands free function Be sure to perform the registration of the cell phone only while the Waiting message is on the display I When the registration has been completed the COMPLETED message appears on the display The cell phone is now registered to the main unit e and II appe...

Page 102: ...ed COMPLETED will be displayed The cell phone is now registered B and II appear on the display FAILED will be displayed if registration is not successful Repeat Search procedure 54 Delete a registered cell phone I Press the SELECT Up Down button while in the Phone Setting selection mode to select Select Phone EIPress the ENTER button I Press the SELECT Up Down button to select cell phone to be del...

Page 103: ...ected aPress the ENTER button The Bluetooth hands free function I I Press the SELECT Up Down iii button to select Disconnect IIPress the ENTER button The Disconnect message appears on the display to confirm the disconnection IIPress the ENTER button I I COMPLETED will be displayed iiiwhen disconnection is successful Registering phone number in the phonebook Phone numbers can be registered in the p...

Page 104: ...Down button to select ON or OFF ON Auto Answer is activated OFF Auto Answer is disabled 56 rnATTENTION The default setting for Auto Answer is OFF Auto Answer is disabled Setting the ring tone The ring tone can be set on or off for incoming calls Ring tone is set ON by default I Press the SELECT Up Down button while in the Phone Setting selection mode to select Ring Tone DPress the ENTER button 11P...

Page 105: ...eted brnATTENTION Ifthere is no cell phone connected the data in the phonebook cannot be deleted The Bluetooth hands free function Deleting data from the phonebook I Press the SELECT Up Down button while in the Phone Setting selection mode to select Delete BPress the ENTER button IIPress the SELECT Up Down button to select Phonebook IIPress the ENTER button I Press the SELECT Up Down button to sel...

Page 106: ...E and Preset Dial will be displayed IIPress the ENTER button I When the data in preset dial has been deleted COMPLETED will be displayed 58 Deleting all data 1 Press the SELECT Up Down button while in the Phone Setting selection mode to select Delete I Press the ENTER button IIPress the SELECT Up Down iii button to select ALL IIPress the ENTER button DELETE and ALL will be displayed IIPress the EN...

Page 107: ...ight Left The cursor moves to the left Repeat Steps 3 and 4 to input the passcode to enter the next digit I I Press the ENTER button when iii you have input the passcode NewPasscode will be displayed IIPress the ENTER button a COMPLETED will be displayed The Bluetooth hands free function 59 ...

Page 108: ... has already been inserted a SEC message appears and then the front panel opens and the CD is ejected If a security is activated programming the Key CD is not available 60 IIPress the OPEN EJECT iii button The front panel opens aInsert the Key CD into the disc slot A SEC message appears then the Key CD is ejected The front panel will close automatically rnATTENTION If there is a problem with the i...

Page 109: ...ocedure When the power is turned on after the battery power has been disconnected the SEC message is displayed for two seconds The message then changes to the DISC message Press the OPEN EJECT button aInsert the Key CD into the disc slot OK will be displayed for two seconds and the CD will begin playing rnATTENTION If the incorrect CD is inserted an ERR_ ERR and error number message will appear fo...

Page 110: ...w to turn the security indicator on off Once ESN security is activated the indicator flashes whenever the vehicle s ignition switch is turned off warning potential thieves that the main unit is protected However if do not want this visible deterrent it may be turned off a With the main unit in standby and while pressing button 2 press the SCREEN button and hold both for more than one second I The ...

Page 111: ...63 ...

Page 112: ...evel MID Adjusts middle level Decrease level Increase level MIDDLE TREB Adjusts treble level Decrease level Increase level TREBLE SVC Adjusts different volume levels for each audio Source Volume Decrease level Increase level Control mode FADER Adjusts the audio balance of the front and rear Emphasizes rear Emphasizes front speakers speakers speakers BALANCE Adjusts the audio balance of the right a...

Page 113: ...C setting SVC setting SVC setting value value value value Volume level 40 15 55 10 30 5 45 5 35 When volume level in FM mode is 45 55 60 30 35 45 50 35 40 adjusted from 40 to 45 When volume level in CD mode is 45 70 60 80 60 50 75 40 65 adjusted from 35 to 60 When volume level in AM mode 70 5 20 60 0 75 10 65 0 is adjusted from 80 to 20 When volume level in USB mode 5 30 20 45 0 20 35 0 25 is adju...

Page 114: ... Item Function Page PEQ 3 band setting the frequency and the Q curve pattern can be adjusted 69 Parametric EQ Position A preset speaker level for each seat and the balance can be selected 70 Position selector X Over Specified frequency bands are allocated to each speaker for improved sound 70 Cross over integration Non F setting The sub woofer phase can be switced 71 Non fader setting 66 ...

Page 115: ... and band width are fixed so that when neighboring bands are corrected there is a limit to the amount by which distortion in the peak and dip characteristics can be corrected A parametric equalizer lets you adjust the median frequency Q sharpness and band width and gain to variable levels so that you can make fine adjustments to spot areas of the frequency band Parametric equalizer characteristics...

Page 116: ... range front rear speakers fc HPF 3dB 20kHz For example when adjusting the HPF frequencies that are lower than the specified frequency are progressively dampened rather than simply not being played back at all The slope adjustment function is the function that is used to adjust these dampening characteristics The slope characteristics of a filter are such that with larger slope values for example ...

Page 117: is activated Pressing the button allows you to toggle through preset EO modes as follows Button Mode Patterns 2 DEFEAT No EO adjustments 3 POWER The pattern that emphasize the bass range 4 SHARP The pattern that emphasize the treble range 5 VOCAL The pattern that emphasize the middle range 6 CUSTOM Custom pattern rnATTENTION Custom Ea will be overwritten if the value for BASS MIDDLE and TREBLE ...

Page 118: ...ASS MIDDLE and TREBLE in the audio control mode For details Refer to How to operate the AUDIO CONTROL on page 64 When the median frequency and the Q curve are adjusted CUSTOM EQ is also updated 70 Position selector The sound field can be adjusted for the listener s seat position II Press the SELECT Up Down button to select Position Sel EIPress the ENTER button The position selector setting mode is...

Page 119: ... is 12dB oct Non fader phase Non F Phase The merging of sound between the front and rear speakers and the woofer can be improved by selecting the phase Switch the phase to a phase which lets the speakers combine without any disharmony I Press the SELECT Up Down button to select Non F Phase IIPress the ENTER button The mode will change to the non fader phase mode I Press the SELECT Up Down button t...

Page 120: ...witching the brightness Bright Default setting is maximum brightness 5 I Press the SELECT Up Down button to select Bright BPress the ENTER button The bright setting mode is activated 72 I Press the SELECT Right Left button to adjust the brightness Right Increases the brightness level Left Decreases the brightness level aPress the ENTER button The selected settings will take effect Changing illumin...

Page 121: ... select Background DPress the ENTER button The background setting mode is activated II Press the SELECT Up Down iii button to select a setting item When the button is pressed the background changes in the following order Motion picture1 Motion picture2 Motion picture1 IIPress the ENTER button The selected settings will take effect Changing the sound meter Sound Meter The sound meter type can be ch...

Page 122: ...oard J Copy the images to a CD R or a USB memory IImport into the main unit IIPress the SELECT Up Down button to select DISP Data I Press the ENTER button The display data import mode is activated 74 IIPress the SELECT Up Down iiibutton to select the media type IIPress the ENTER button When using a CD R INSERT DISC is displayed and the front panel opens automatically If a CD has already been loade...

Page 123: ...r to the main unit ON or OFF or remove the front panel of the main unit while data reading is in progress Data reading will be interrupted and data may be damaged Only the VOL button can be operated while the system is reading data Changing the scroll type Scroll Type The scroll type of the text display can be changed IIPress the SELECT Up Down button to select the Scroll Type IIPress the ENTER bu...

Page 124: ...on 4 Refer to page 101 for detail on AUX operation 5 This setting can only be chosen when an optional SIRIUS Satellite radio tuner unit is connected Refer to page 94 for details on SIRIUS Satellite radio operation 76 6 This setting can only be chosen when an optional XM Satellite radio tuner unit is connected Refer to page 90 for details on XM Satellite radio operation 7 For details refer to Setti...

Page 125: ...When the data storage area is full the FULL DATA message appears If new data is input the older data will be deleted Making changes with Function Mode Deleting a station name disc title I Press the RTN BAND button for more than two seconds while the title setting mode is activated The station name disc title that is displayed at this point will be deleted Setting the guide tone The main unit is se...

Page 126: ...urns the time forward Down Turns the time back IIPress the ENTER button 78 Switching demonstration screen display Demo Demonstration screen display settings can be performed Default setting is ON If the demonstration screen display is set to ON operation motion picture and other screens will be displayed in succession If you press a button while the demonstration screens are being displayed the de...

Page 127: ...on the website may not be compatible with the steering remotes found on some automobiles make sure to check the website for details about compatibility Copy the downloaded software to CD R or a USB memory IImport into the main unit IThe steering remote can be operated Making changes with Function Mode Reading steering remote data U S A only The steering remote data that has been downloaded from E ...

Page 128: ...out how to make the folder refer to the E iSERV website This function is available only for vehicles equipped with steering remote with an interface that operates by detecting voltage When playing a music file in USB memory E iSERV data stored in the USB memory cannot be read into the main unit CAUTION Do not turn the ignition switch or power to the main unit ON or OFF or remove the front panel of...

Page 129: ...radually Gradually volume hold increases increases increases increases increases gradually volume volume volume volume the volume ring tonel speakers voices Decreases the Press Decreases Decreases Decreases Decreases Decreases volume briefly the volume the volume the volume the volume the volume ring tonel speakers voices VOL Decreases the Press and Gradually Gradually Gradually Gradually Graduall...

Page 130: ... The TEL The TEL The TEL The TEL The TEL OFF briefly mode is mode is mode is mode is mode is mode is HOOK OFF HOOK activated activated activated activated activated activated Press and hold 1 Switch names change depending on vehicle make and model 2 If a SIRIUS XM satellite radio tuner purchased separately is connected categories can be switched when in the satellite mode 82 ...

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Page 132: Turn to the left Return to the beginning of the track being played Repeat turning for previous tracks 84 Fast Forward Rewind Fast forward or rewind the song currently being played IIPress and hold the SELECT Right Left button Right Fast forward Left Rewind Playing the beginning of tracks SCAN IIPress the 4 SCAN button Pressing the button for less than one second causes the changer to move up to...

Page 133: ... is not an abnormal occurrence rnATTENTION During random playback press the 5 RPT button to repeat the track being played To cancel the repeat play and return to random play press the 5 RPT button again When any of the functions Playing the beginning of tracks Repeating the same track or Playing tracks in random order is selected a message such as SCAN ALL SCAN REPEAT ALL REPEAT RANDOM or ALL RAND...

Page 134: ...tering stations into memory automatically The automatic preset mode ASM Manually setting stations into memory Preset station scan During digital broadcast reception the DIGITAL message appears on the display 86 Switching between displays when receiving HD Radio During digital reception the name of the station being received and other information can be displayed IIPress the SCREENITEXT button for ...

Page 135: ... selection is switched between digital and analog reception automatically In areas where digital reception is not possible reception is automatically switched to analog to avoid loss of reception While receiving the digital broadcast the DIGITAL message appears on the display This is cleared during analog reception In the OFF setting reception is always analog 87 ...

Page 136: ...the XM satellite radio tuner unit refer to the XM satellite radio unit owner s manual The main unit will accept up to 24 stations in memory Selecting the radio mode IISwitch to the XM satellite radio mode For details refer to Switching Audio Modes on page 18 88 Selecting a channel I Press the RTN button for less than one second to switch to the desired XM band The radio bands will switch from XM1 ...

Page 137: ...ght Left button to select the channel number Right Advances to the next number Left Returns to the previous number I Press the SELECT Up Down button to select the channel number to be input Each time the button is pressed the channel number changes in the following order OH1H2H3H4H5H6H7H 8H9HOH IIPress the ENTER button Reception starts Manually setting channels into memory This section covers the ...

Page 138: ...itching displays when using the XM satellite radio IIPress the SCREENITEXT button for more than one second Each time the button is pressed the display item changes in the following order channel name category name title name channel name ATTENTION If there are no names the NO DATA message will appear 90 Displaying the XM 10 Displays the XM 10 The XM 10 is necessary when subscribing to programs etc...

Page 139: ...91 ...

Page 140: ... owner s manual The main unit will accept up to 24 stations in memory Selecting the radio mode IISwitch to the SIRIUS satellite radio mode For details refer to Switching Audio Modes on page 18 92 Selecting a channel I Press the RTN button for less than one second to switch to the desired SR band Each time the button is pressed the radio band changes in the order SIRIUS1 SIRIUS2 SIRIUS3 SIRIUS4 I I...

Page 141: ...annel number changes in the following order O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O IIPress the ENTER button Reception starts Manually storing channels into memory This section covers the storing of stations in the memory of numbered buttons I Press the SELECT Right Left button to tune to the channel to be stored in the memory 2 Select any button from 1 to 6 and press it for more than two seconds The tuned channel ...

Page 142: ...nges in the following order channel name category name title artist channel name mATTENTION If there are no names the NO DATA message will appear Displaying the SIRIUS 10 Displays the SIRIUS 10 The SIRIUS 10 is necessary when subscribing to programs etc IIPress the ra MENU button for more than one second The Menu selection mode is activated I Press the SELECT Up Down button to select FUNC and then...

Page 143: ...95 ...

Page 144: ...playing previously it will begin playing from the first music file When the iPod is connected using the optional iPod Interface Adapter the ECLIPSE message will be displayed on the iPod While the ECLIPSE message is displayed the iPod cannot be operated directly Disconnect headphones and all other accessories from the iPod before connecting it to the optional Interface Adapter for iPod Failure to d...

Page 145: ...d then press the ENTER button e If SONGS is selected the selected song will be played If another search mode item is selected con tinue the selection process until you have selected a song All files in the selected list playlist artist album or genres will be played back and repeated After selecting the desired search mode item ARTIST ALBUM or GENRES press button 1 to play back all files in that i...

Page 146: ...functions REPEAT or RANDOM is selected a message such as RPT ALL RAND or RAND appears on the display to verify the current function REPEAT and RANDOM both operate in the same manner as the REPEAT and SHUFFLE modes on iPod 98 Displaying text The display can be switched to show the album name the artist name and the song name IIPress the SCREEN TEXT button for more than one second TEXT The album nam...

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Page 148: ...y adjust the volume until the output level of the connected player is known Before using a portable audio player in a vehicle read the player s operation manual carefully and confirm problem free operation in the vehicle before proceeding When you connect an optional LAN cable AUX 105 to the main unit other optional equipment that uses E LAN cannot be connected 100 Switching the AUX mode on and of...

Page 149: ... Up Down button to select FUNC and then press the ENTER button The function mode is activated IIPress the SELECT Up Down iii button to select AUX Sens The AUX sensitivity mode is activated I Press the SELECT Up Down i button to select the sensitivity mode Pressing the button allows you to toggle through sensitivity modes as follows Low Mid Hi Low The selected settings will take effect Others 101 ...

Page 150: ...taken Information INFO 1 INF02 INF03 INFO 5 INF06 102 CD PLAYER SHUTTER IS OPEN NO DISC IN THE MAGAZINE DISC IS DIRTY OR DAMAGED CD PLAYER AND CD CHANGER MECHANICAL FAILURE IS OCCURRING INTERNAL TEMPERATURE OF CD PLAYER AND CD CHANGER IS HIGH PICKUP UNIT PROTECTION Explanation and remedial action Close the shutter There is no disc in the magazine or player Load a disc into the magazine Load a musi...

Page 151: ... TRANSMITTING DATA NO MUSIC FILES STORED IN iPod iPod STOPS TRANSMITTING DATA FOR SOME REASON iPod SOFTWARE NOT SUPPORTED TRANSMISSION IS IMPOSSIBLE NO MEMORY SPACE Turn the ACC off and then turn it on again to resume the operation If this condition persists please contact your dealer The CD changer is in the process of verifying the presence of CDs after a magazine has been inserted into the CD c...

Page 152: ...r problem come on Other probable causes include a run down Have your dealer check the car battery a blown fuse or pinched or broken power or communication wires problem Has the car battery been disconnected for Reenter the frequencies or 43 All repairs or inspections titles into memory Frequencies or Are there too many electrical items Have your dealer check the titles set in memory have installed...

Page 153: problem quality is poor Are you driving over a rough surface Avoid playback while driving 14 over rough surfaces Press the OPENI The disc cannot EJECT button for longer be ejected If unknown than five seconds with the front panel opened Is the antenna retracted Extend the antenna Is the tuner correctly tuned to a station Tune to a station 42 Tune to a local station Are you driving outside the s...

Page 154: ...Separation SIN Ratio A weighted Dynamic Range Total Harmonic Distortion USB MEMORY SECTION Frequency Response SIN Ratio A weighted Total Harmonic Distortion 106 14 4V DC 11 16V 3A 7 x 2 x 6 1 8 178 x 50 x 155mm Approx 1 7kg 20 C to 65 C _4 F to 149 F 40 C to 85 C 20 F to 185 F 87 75 to 107 9MHz 0 2MHz step 87 5 to 108MHz 0 05MHz step 87 5 to 108MHz 0 1MHz step 87 75 to 107 9MHz 0 1MHz step 15dBf 2...

Page 155: ...wer Output Output Level Impedance Loudness Specifications Bluetooth Specification Ver 2 0 Power class 2 Max 4dBm A2DP Ver 1 0 AVRCP Ver 1 0 Bluetooth Specification Ver 2 0 Power class 2 Max 4dBm HFP Ver 1 5 OPP Ver 1 1 14W x 4 20Hz to 20kHz 1 THO 40 Vcc 14 4V Maximum of 50W x 4 5V 550 line out impedance 10dB at 100Hz 6dB at 10kHz 107 ...

Page 156: ...dn Bhd Level 5 Axis Plaza Jalan U1 44 Glenmarie 40150 Shah Alam Selangor D E Malaysia Phone 03 5569 4200 Fax 03 5569 4201 SINGAPORE Cobara Singapore Pte Ltd 07 02 King s Centre 390 Havelock Road Singapore 169662 Phone 6737 2568 Fax 6737 9538 KOREA J TED TRADE Toy Bldg 2F 1815 San Kyuk 2 Dong Buk Gu Daegu Korea Phone 053 382 8248 Fax 053 382 8249 TAIWAN Sentrek Taiwan LTD 1 9F Lane 155 Section 3 Pe...

Page 157: ... THAILAND How to contact customer service Safe T Cut Thailand Co Ltd 114 9 Soi Suwansawadi Thungmahamek Rama 4 Rd Sathorn Bangkok 10120 Thailand Phone 02 671 9610 12 Fax 02 671 9614 109 ...


Page 159: ...How to contact customer service 111 ...

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Page 161: ... obtenidos por separado como un adaptador de suministro de alimentaci6n un adaptador de antena de radio 0 una meosula de montaje D Unidad principal x 1 Cable de interconexi6n Cables de alimentaci6n y bocinas 16P x 1 j Acoplador de montaje x 1 j Soporte lateral x2 Tapa x 1 Perno de cabeza hexagonal Rojo M5x8 x 4 Q Tornillo de cabeza plana Rojo M5x8 x4 Tornillo opresor x 1 Codo doble x 1 I Control r...

Page 162: ...sque vous utilisez un ecrou et ou un entangle with the steering wheel shift lever de 10 contrario podria producirse un boulon existant du vehicule pour mettre cette or brake pedal an accident may result accidente unite principale ala masse veillez ane pas utiliser d ecrou ou de boulon qui fixe des Never supply power to another electrical Ate los cables yarneses con cinta aislante 0 composants des ...

Page 163: ...por asfixia suffocation electrical shock No desarme ni reconstruya este producto Ne demontez pas ou ne reconstruisez pas When it is necessary to replace the fuse Hacer esto podrfa producir un accidente cette unite principale Sinon un accident un always use a fuse of the correct rating incendio 0 descarga electrica incendie ou une electrocution risquerait de number of amperes Use of fuses with s en...

Page 164: ...lume board main unit or it may cause electrical fuera del autom6vil modere qui vous permette d entendre les sons shock or injury Conducir sin poder escuchar los sonidos provenant de I exterieur du vehicule exteriores puede causar un accidente Si vous conduisez sans pouvoir entendre les Do not play distorted sounds for long periods sons provenant de I exterieur du vehicule un of time the speakers m...

Page 165: ...d de sus respectivos duenos o Para mantener el funcionamiento correcto la unidad principal debe estar instalada a menos de 30 grados 5i el angulo es mayor a 30 grados pod ria saltar el CD 0 podria producirse la eyecci6n incorrecta del CD E J Cuando no se necesita separar el panel de control delantero de la unidad principal utilice el tornillo proporcionado para sujetar el panel de control a la uni...

Page 166: ...os los cables antes de instalar la unidad principal oAsegurese de utilizar los tornillos de montaje adicionales incluidos Rajo M5 x 8 como los tornillas de montaje Si utiliza cualquier otro tornillo podria danar el interior de la unidad principal Tenga cuidado de no empujar violentamente la pantalla de la unidad principal ni los botones durante la instalaci6n Esto puede danar la unidad principal o...

Page 167: problemas operativos 0 cortocircuitos que podrian generar peligros de incendio u otres accidentes Conecte todos los cables antes de instalar la unidad principal Asegurese de utilizar los tomillos de montaje adicionales incluidos Rajo M5 x 8 como los tomillos de montaje Si utiliza cualquier otro tomillo podrfa danar el interior de la unidad principal Tenga cuidado de no empujar violentamente la ...

Page 168: ...s available lIIAntenna power supply Blue Connect to the power antenna conlrol terminal of the vehicle l5Jlllumination power supply tOrangelWhite Connect to where power comes on when the vehicle light switch is turned on lIDRemote tum on BluelWhite Connect to the control terminal tor the external amplifier etc lLIFront speaker output wires Connect to the front speakers White Left White Black Left G...

Page 169: ...rte el aislante en el cable de alimentaci6n ni 10 utilice para accionar otro equipo Si se excede la capacidad nominal de corriente del cable de alimentaci6n podria producirse un incendio 0 descargas eh ctricas Se deben asegurar los cables con cinta 0 algun metodo de seguridad similar para evitar obstrucciones mientras maneja Si se danan 0 enredan cerca de componentes como el volante palanca de cam...

Page 170: ... Gray Gray Black Green Red Green Black Blue Purple OrangelWhite Purple Black BluelWhite Brown Black Brown Black NO MEll00 The MEll00cannot be connected to the CD3200 sold s arateIY LSIDE NO CONNECTION Do not remove cap NO CONNECTION Do not remove cap TO BATIERY 12V Permanent Supply TOGROU TO ACC Power Supply TO POWER ANTENNA RELAY Supply TO HEAD LIGHT SWITCH Illumination TO TURN ON WIRE Amplifiers...


Page 172: ...e Rojo Verde Negro Azul AnaranjadO Purpura Blanco PurpuralNegro Azul Blanco Cafe Negro Cafe Negro RRA HACIAACC Fuente de a1imentaciOn HACIA EL RE E DE LA ANTENA ELECTRICA Suministro HACIA EL INTERRUPTOR DE LA LUZ DELANTERA liuminad6n A ACTIVACION REMOTA Amplilicadores etc HACIA CONEXION A TIE HACIA LA BATERiA 12V Suministro pennanente ME1106 EI MEI100 no puede serconectado aI CD3200 se vende por s...


Page 174: ...Violet Noir BleuiBlanc Marron Noir Marron Noir SSE ME1100 Le MEI100 ne peut pas etre connecte au CD3200 vendu separement COte gauche L 011 c SANS CONNEXION Ne retirez pas Ie capuchon VERS LA BATTERIE 12V alimentation permanente VERSLA MA VERSACC alimentation electlique VES LE RELAIS D ANTENNE CH3083 MOTORISEE aHmentation vendu sepan ment VERS LE COMMUTATEUR DE PHARES o clairage VERS LA MISE SQUS T...


Page 176: ...E ALA GARANTIE Certaines instructions de produits Eclipse fournissent des procedures de diagnostic pour determiner si votre produit necessite Ie service La solution la plus rapide peut etre trouvee dans les instructions Veuillez d abords regarder ici Si vos HAUT PARLEURS DE VOITURE Eclipse requiert un service veuillez contacter pour Ie service Ie detaillant ou vous avez achete ce produit Pour d au...

Page 177: ...plication HOW TO OBTAIN WARRANTY SERVICE Some Eclipse Product instructions provide troubleshooting procedures to determine if your Product needs service The fastest solution may be found in the instructions Please look here first Should your Eclipse CAR SPEAKER require service please contact the retailer where you purchased this Product for service For other Eclipse Products please contact your re...
