Firmware V6.6.9
The following M-bus gateways are available:
for max. 20 M-bus meters
for max. 60 M-bus meters
The following transmission rates and lengths are possible with the cable type
J-Y(ST)Y 2 x 2 x 0.8
Transmission rate
Number of M-bus meters
2400 baud (fixed)
<= 10
<= 20
max. 5100 m
max. 3200 m
6.5.1 Status LEDs of the M-bus gateway
Green: supply voltage 11..28 V DC is applied
Red: overcurrent (short circuit on the cable)
Yellow: terminal device transmitting
6.6 Modem
If a modem should be used for remote maintenance of the system centre and for the automatic transmission of
alarms, this must be connected to the COM1 port.
The 3 terminal pairs M+/M- are used to distinguish between the M-bus cables. However the polarity for
M-bus installations is completely unimportant! A power supply is required for both M-bus gateways. For
details about the part numbers, see chapter
.Accessories for system centre v6.0