Firmware V6.6.9
In this way, it is also possible to view the temperature archives for up to one year in the past without the
LDSWin PC software.
The system centre automatically archives the current operating data of all components present in the E*LDS
Furthermore, it is possible to archive the temperatures and states of individual coldroom controllers in
accordance with the EU Directive. The archived data can be read out via Menu 2-6 or via modem from a PC
and displayed in a table or as a graph using the LDSWin PC software.
5.10 24h list
Using Menu 3 in the system centre, it is possible to display the 24-hours lists of all case controllers present in
the system. All temperature sensors without exception of the case controllers (E*LDS components and
integrated external controllers) located in the E*LDS system are listed there together with their hourly
temperature average value. For further details, see chapter
For temperature archives further in the past that should be shown, the temperature archives must be
called cyclically and saved on a PC using the LDSWin PC software. A regular backup to a server is
recommended for backing up the PC data.
It is recommended to retrieve all operating data stored n the system centre cyclically (e.g. every 24
hours) using scripts from within the LDSWin PC software. This has the advantage that all relevant
operating data (such as the legally required HACCP - Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) are
backed up on a second system which can be used to provide a record of the temperatures if required.