Firmware V6.6.9
5.7.4 Remote alarm signalling
There are 15 alarm destinations (3 EASY alarm destinations and 12 extended alarm destinations; see chapter
) available for remote alarm signalling. These destinations can be:
A PC with the PC software LDSWin
E-Mail recipients
SMS recipients
FAX machine and/or
AUX relay EASY alarm destinations 1..3
The EASY alarm destinations 1..3 are mainly predefined and should be sufficient for most application cases.
The alarm destinations are configured in Menu 4-1-7, see also chapter
for this.
EASY alarm destinations
: Control centre as primary destination (LDSWin PC)
: Fault service as primary destination or alternative destination for control centre (LDSWin PC)
SMS Anny Way
: via the service provider Anny Way (
The following settings are possible for the alarm destinations, see Menu 4-1-7:
description of the destination, e.. control centre,
input of the telephone number of the destination,
which priorities should be signalled: 1 or 2 or 1+2 and how should be signalled in a time range: never,
within, outside or always Extended alarm destinations 4..15
The extended alarm destinations provide significantly more options for differentiated remote alarm signalling as
compared with EASY alarm destinations.
The alarm destinations are freely configurable in LDSWin and can be assigned to any destinations. Further
information about the functions is contained in the chapter
The following settings are possible for these alarm destinations (these are only displayed in the system centre):
Name of the alarm destination (freely definable)
Destination type / service: LDSWin, SMS via D1, Anny Way or FAX
Telephone number with entry whether outside line or internal call - function as primary or alternative
If alternative destination,
name of the primary destination
Individual priorities or priority groups can be assigned using the LDSWin PC software: Individual value or range
with start and end values or ALL (without priority X9).
In this way, alarms and messages can be specifically signalled to the responsible fault service for the
maintenance group. In this way, alarm signals are sent selectively, resulting in reduction of service and
For SMS Text Message Transmission, the telephone numbers of the SMS providers must be activated
in the telephone system otherwise no SMS text message transmission is possible: The following
numbers are stored in the system centre and must be checked at the provider for their validity: D1:
0171-25 21 002 Anny Way: 0900-32 66 90 02 Source: MATERNAs Anny Way SMS-Dienst,
The extended alarm destinations 4..15 are only displayed (read-only) in the system centre and can
only be edited using the LDSWin PC software.