NPT-1020 Installation and Maintenance Manual
Commissioning Tests
ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary
Maintenance Action Test
This test verifies that maintenance actions can be performed in the NPT-1020 NEs using the management
This procedure tests a near-end loopback, forced PDH AIS, forced low-rate RDI, forced high-rate RDI, and
forced MS-RDI.
To perform maintenance action test:
Create one unprotected trail of any rate between two NEs.
Connect test equipment to one NE. The PDH test equipment detects an AIS alarm.
Perform a near-end loopback at the other trail endpoint. The AIS alarm in the PDH test equipment
clears, and no alarm or error remains on the PDH test equipment.
Using the management station, execute forced AIS on the PDH port that connects to the test
equipment. The PDH test equipment detects an AIS alarm.
Using the management station, execute a forced low-rate RDI (or forced high-rate RDI or forced
MS-RDI) on a NPT-1020 platform. Another NPT-1020 platform reports a low-rate RDI (or high-rate RDI
or MS-RDI) to the management station.
Data Network Commissioning Tests
The data network commissioning tests check that data functionality is in accordance with system
Throughput and Latency Tests
These tests determine the time it takes to transmit frames through the network, and the maximum amount
of data that can pass through the network before frames are lost.
To perform throughput and latency tests:
Create two unprotected Ethernet trails of any rate between two NEs in the network.
Connect test equipment to both ports of one NE and connect two ports of the other NE through an
Ethernet cable.
Configure the test equipment for RFC-2544 throughput and latency measurement.
Measure the throughput and latency for frame sizes 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 1280, and 1518 bytes,
and record the results in the appropriate table.