Bus select (Indigo dj only)
The bus select panel is the area in the middle right of the Console. Each bus
has its own button marked with an A (for analog) and a channel number pair.
The button in the “down” position is the currently active bus. Clicking on an
output bus button simply selects the settings that are displayed. In this case
Analog out 3/4 (A 3-4) is the active bus. This means all parameters such as
volume, pan, and mute apply to the audio coming out Analog outputs 3 and
4 of Indigo dj. To select an output bus, click on one of the buttons.
Alternatively, you can use the function keys F1 and F2.
Master Output Bus Control
The master bus control is the area on the bottom right of the Console. The
example above shows the Indigo dj Console. At the bottom is the label
“Analog out 3/4.” This indicates you are currently controlling everything
mixed to analog outputs 3 and 4. Indigo and Indigo io only have controls for
Analog out 1/2.
mute buttons
affect everything being mixed to this bus.
Holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on a fader will set that fader to 0 dB,
and clicking on the readout below the fader will allow you to enter a
numerical value for the fader setting.
gang button
, marked with a “G,” sets the gang mode. If you are in gang
mode, the mute buttons will work together for the left and right channels; for
example, clicking the mute on one channel activates the mute button on the
other channel. Also, ganging the faders ties them together so they will
maintain their relative placement with regard to each other. Holding down
the Shift key reverses the state of the gang button; that is, if the gang button
is down, holding down shift puts you in non-ganged mode and vice versa.