Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd.
Copyright ©2012–2021,Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd.
4.4 Active upload
The device supports the function of uploading the analog input value at a fixed time interval. Setting the value of the
corresponding register can control the interval time and whether to upload.
When it is set to 0, upload is closed, and when it is set to other positive integer value N, the upload will be performed at a
time interval of N seconds.
[Note] The device is valid only when it is configured in the client mode. If the register value is non-zero, the active
upload is enabled.
4.5 Custom module information
4.5.1 Modbus address
The device address is 1 by default, and the address can be modified. The address range is 1-247.
4.5.2 Module name
Users can configure the device name to distinguish according to their own needs, support English, number format, up to
20 bytes.
4.5.3 Network parameters
Without special instructions: the following network-related parameters default to IPv4 related parameters.
(1) MAC of the device: The user can read the specified register to obtain it, and this parameter cannot be written.
(2) IP address: device IP address, both readable and writable.
(3) Modbus TCP port: the port number of the device, readable and writable.
(4) Subnet mask: address mask, readable and writable.
(5) Gateway address: Gateway, readable and writable.
(6) DHCP: Set the way the device obtains IP, static (0), dynamic (1).
(7) Target IP: When the device is working in the client mode, the device is connected to the target IP/domain name.
(8) Target port: When the device is working in the client mode, the device is connected to the target port.
(9) DNS server: when the device is in client mode, it is a server that resolves the target domain name.
(10) Module working mode: used to switch the working mode of the module.
Server: The device is equivalent to a server, waiting for the user's client to connect, the maximum number of
connections is 4.
Client: The device actively connects to the target IP and port set by the user.
(11) Active upload: When the parameter is not 0 and the device is in client mode, the device will periodically report the
original value collected by AI according to the configured time.