Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd
E851-RTU(4440-ETH) User Manual
Copyright ©2012–2019, Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd
4.4.11. Timeout restart
The register 40173 (0x00AE) is used to set how long to restart the Ethernet physical layer module in RTU after there is
no data in the network, the range is 0, 60-65535 seconds. When set to 0, this function is disabled, When set to 60-65535,
this parameter will take effect.
4.4.12. SOCKET Local Port Settings
The register 40175 (0x00B0) is used to set the local port number of SOCKET. It supports 0x0003, 0x0006 and 0x0010
function codes. When the value is 0, it means using random port number, and 1-65535 means setting the corresponding
port number.
4.4.13. MAC reading
The starting address of MAC register reading is 40232 (0x00E9), and the total length of register is 11, wherein the first
register is the MAC length, and the second register to the eleventh register stores the MAC value. For example, MAC:
B2FAEAF2C427, the corresponding register values are as follows. In the register, the IMEI value exists in hexadecimal
ASCII value.
0x00AB) --40181(0x00B4)
MAC length
MAC value
00 0C
42 32 46 41 45 41 46 32 43 34 32 37 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
4.4.14. SN reading
The starting address of SN register reading is 40243 (0x00F4), and the total length of the register is 11, wherein the first
register is the SN length, and the second register to the eleventh register stores the SN value. For example, SN:
190521135939C140, the corresponding register value is as follows. In the register, the SN value exists in hexadecimal
ASCII value.
0x00B6) --40192(0x00BF)
SN length
SN value
00 10
31 39 30 35 32 31 31 33 35 39 33 39 43 31 34 30 00 00 00 00