After saving insert SIM card, disassembly AGP3 adapter and service wire.
Put battery into cavity, lay down wires and close lid by screwing bolts according to
chapter SIM card and battery installation
The device is ready to transmit data.
Remote programming
Remote programming of device is possible if:
user uses GPRS transmitters configurator and GSM modem connected to PC
user uses OSM.Server monitoring system receiver.
In first case remote programming is possible on CSD channel and its procedure is
analogous to local programming, remembering that “Modem GSM” shall be selected
from connection options (See chapter CSD linking).
Remote configuration with use of CSD canal is possible only if transmission of
CSD data is active both for SIM card inserted in the device, and for SIM card installed
in GSM modem.
In second case according to description in chapter GPRS linking, it is required to
define remote link on grounds of OSM.Server parameters. As OSM.Server collects
(and transmits) information exclusively from devices saved in data base, the first
operation during remote programming is proper registration of the device. This
procedure has been described in OSM.Server Operation Manual.
The first programming of device
As the device does not have defined access parameters in respect of GPRS network
and OSM.Server, programming shall be begun with providing parameters defined in
chapter Programmable parameters. After providing these parameters register the
device in OSM.Server data base (see OSM.Server manual).
Before remote programming user shall check that the device is furnished with SIM
card (with reservations provided in chapter PIN code ) and is connected to power
supply. User shall know serial number of device and phone number for SIM card.