Fan speed control
Adjusting the fan speed
You may wish to change the fan speed of your Ebac from time to time. Using the Normal setting will
remove more moisture from the air compared to the Quiet setting thereby improving efficiency.
When switched on, your dehumidifier will default to level 1.
Pressing the fan speed button will scroll through the settings below, after standby mode it will return
to setting 1.
Low setting for quiet operation
Normal setting
Continuous Fan Mode Quiet
Continuous Fan Mode Normal
Standby position
The speed of the fan is indicated by the green fan symbol - the higher the setting the faster this
symbol rotates.
Air Cleaning:
When fitted with one of our high performance filters, your dehumidifier may also be
used as an air cleaner. To do this, press the Fan speed/Air cleaning button until the fan symbol
turns yellow. Pressing the Fan speed/Air cleaning button again will increase the Fan speed for
faster air filtration.
When selected, the dehumidifier will not operate. This allows the dehumidifier to be
switched off without adjusting the humidistat setting. Standby mode is indicated by the power -on
light turning yellow.
Boost Control:
The boost control on your Dehumidifier allows the setting of the humidistat or Smart
Control and fan speed to be overridden for a set period of time to maximise water extraction from
the air. This is ideal for laundry drying etc.
To select this function press the mode button until MAX flashes on the control panel. The unit will
now run on maximum fan speed and at full-power for a period of 8 hours. After this time the unit will
return to the settings you had prior to activation.
Note: As the mode button changes a number of functions, the settings remembered are those made
10 seconds prior to boost being activated.