Transmission appearance may differ, procedure is the same.
Front Section
Mainshaft Assembly
How to Assemble the Mainshaft Assembly
Special Instructions
Each mainshaft gear must have its I.D. snap ring
installed before placement on the mainshaft. Do not
replace reverse gear I.D. snap ring.
Gear limit washers are internally splined and locked to
the mainshaft by the key. Gear spacers are externally
splined to engage with gear hub clutching teeth. There
is one limit washer and one spacer for each mainshaft
gear. Use assembly grease on washers and spacers.
Axial clearance (end-play) limits are .006"-.015" for all
mainshaft gears.
If the axial clearance is less than the minimum .006"
tolerance, the limit washer should be replaced with a
thinner limit washer. This will increase the axial
clearance between the gears. If the axial clearance is
greater than the maximum .015" tolerance, a thicker
limit washer should be installed. This will decrease the
axial clearance between the gears.
Special Tools
A vise with brass jaws or wood blocks
Feeler gauges
A piece of
" air line, 2' long
To Assemble
With mainshaft pilot-end down, secure the
mainshaft in a vise equipped with brass jaws or
wood blocks.
If previously removed, install the roll pin in
With the washer flat side up, position the 4th
speed gear limit washer (white) in the mainshaft
1st or bottom groove. Rotate the washer until the
washer splines and mainshaft spIines align.
Start at the mainshaft bottom and install a plastic
line in the keyway to lock the washer in place. As
limit washers and gears are installed, continue to
push the plastic line up.
continued on next page